The Fantasy Database at iModeler

13 articles
  • Items tagged with Fantasy
  • 13 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 months ago


Now for something completely different! I was given this kit by my friend who is the head of Transformers at Hasbro toys, I was asked to to a weathered version as a sample for their paint department. They basically provided me an [...]

Death Dealer III Custom Sculpture

This is a commissioned piece from a friend who is a retired Navy SARC. It's been a while since I used ZBrush and I was never very good with it when I messed around with it a few years ago. After we started talking about this project I was [...]

Halo Master Chief

I thought I'd step outside my norm and build a figure for a change. Never really played the game Halo, but I recently watched the new Paramount Halo series and fell in love with the Spartan armor. So, after some digging I found this very [...]

Cyclops from the 7th Voyage of Sinbad

I remember seeing the 7th Voyage of Sinbad as a kid and loving the stop frame animation. The skeleton's he animated in a different film were pretty amazing as well. This vinyl model kit came out a couple years ago and sat on my shelf [...]

Flying Green Dragon

This project started with my Mom seeing the Red Dragon I did a while back. She liked it and mentioned that she'd like to have something similar but not so spikey. 🙂 So, being the good son, I purchased this model from 'Lord of the [...]

Painting the Archduke of Mousin

This project came about as an offshoot of the recent Red Dragon project. As I submitted images of the Dragon to a painting contest, there were several variants of this guy submitted. I really like the idea of a little mouse community where [...]

Ancient Red Dragon

I purchased the .STL file from Lord of the Print a while back and the printed and assembled model sat on top of my computer for quite a while. I wasn't looking forward to fixing all of the seams, there was a lot of sanding and filling to [...]

Ork Warboss

I recently completed this project for my Youtube channel. The model kit was purchased as a downloadable .stl file from I printed it at 200% to allow me to add LEDs to both the weapon and the power box on the back of the [...]

Fantasy Miniatures

Collection of fantasy and sci fi miniatures in different scales.

Force Majeure

This vignette represents my thoughts on the unlikely, yet remarkable crossing of the two worlds of science-fiction and fantasy. I believe that the significance of the scene lies in the observers comprehension and ideas it will trigger. [...]