The Flower Class Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Flower Class
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 11 months ago

Revell HMCS Snowberry K166 Flower Class Corvette

This is a build of the Revell Flower Class Corvette. The kit was initially released by Matchbox in 1979 and has been re-released repeatedly since, often with upgrades or bonus parts. The kit was built for a friend who wanted to use it [...]

HMS Spiraea 1/350

Guardian of the Western Approach: 1/144 Revell Flower Class Corvette HMCS Snowberry K166

HMCS Snowberry was a Flower-class corvette that was originally built for the Royal Navy, but spent most of the war in service with the Royal Canadian Navy. She fought primarily as a convoy escort during the Second World War. She served [...]

HMS Zinnia in 1:350

The HMS Zinnia was a Flower Class Corvette. This class of ships was quickly developed in the early months of 1939, when it became clear to the Royal Navy, that a war against the submarines of the German Navy might be imminent. The [...]