40 articles
I'd like to share my most recent completed build, which is another US jet from the 1950s. As you know from the heading, this is the Tamiya F4D-1 Skyray, also affectionately nicknamed the "Ford", a play on the F-four-D moniker. [...]
This is AMT/Round 2 1970 Ford Galaxie Police car. Decals are from Aftermath graphics. This is the scheme of the cars you'd see up in New York in the sixties and early seventies. The last two photos from that time period show the condition [...]
Resume from kit instruction sheet:
One of the most utilitarian commercial vehicles in use in the 1950s in the USA, the Ford Pick-Up represented a combination of passenger car styling and functional industrial design. Used by countless [...]
My last completed model. a commission work.
A complete article of the build is featured in November - December 2022 issue of Fine Scale Modeler magazine. The construction of the base is in the digital form of the magazine.
Here's one I've been wanting to add to the collection. It started out as a weekend build last week, but I needed time for my gloss blue to dry. As it is one week is stellar for me in terms of getting a kit done!
I don't know the actual [...]
One of Monograms early box scale kits, the copy right date says 1956. Though sparse in detail, The corrugated skin detail is pretty cool. Released several times over the years,this is the 1983 Heritage Edition. I think that there was one [...]
Here's my Thunderbirds Tribute based on a specialty car Ford built. It's based off Revell's 1/24 prepainted 2014 Mustang GT. With a fun build in mind I decided not to do anything that would cause me to cut up the original plastic, only add [...]
And here are some professional images of my Israeli "Jappas". Big thanks to Allon Kira for these amazing images. Enjoy.
This is the what was left over from building Ed's car!
Its' the1960 Ford Starliner model. Since all of the parts looked good with next to no flashing, especially the frame, I choose to build this car.
I decked out the engine with [...]
Hi All,
This is a delightful little kit. I added a lap belt, instrument bezels, some stretched sprue rigging for the tail and spark plug leads. You could probably do it in a weekend but I took a bit longer because as usual life got in the [...]