The He 162 Database at iModeler

28 articles
  • Items tagged with He 162
  • 28 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years ago

Heinkel He 162 Salamander

Tamiya 1/48 He162 A-2 “Salamander”

Second build off the bench for 2019 is this HE162 A-2 Salamander. Wanted to build something unusual and with not a lot of parts for a quick relaxing build. This kit fulfills most of those requirements except most of the parts are rather [...]

Heinkel HE-162A-2 Salamander. 3/JG 1 “Oesau”, pilot: Oblt. Emil Demuth Leck/Holstein, Germany; May 1945

Heinkel He 162 in RAF markings – Raúl Hrubisko

Hi, My father has finished the three Heinkel He162 and they look great in our diplay cabinet 1) Heinkel He 162 A-2 W.Nr. 120072 . captured in Leck – RAE July 1945 2) Heinkel He 162 A-2 W.Nr. 120076, . Yellow 4 / JG-1 captured in [...]

Tamiya Salamander

Made this little gem of a kit around 2 years ago, and still love to see it on my shelf, smaller than most other 1/48 but unique nonetheless. A mix of old war shades (81/82/84 on the fuselage) and early war shades (71 over 65 in the [...]

Heinkel He 162A-2 Volksjäger, Trimaster 1/48

Made from a box somewhere 1989 crosses paint and decal. xtracolor .RLM: late war. For now, the only representative of the Luftwaffe in my showcase In stash im have new TAMIYA to build Capture colors of RAF. P.k

Revell He-162 1/32

This is to prove that I'm just not love radial 😀 The kit is Revell He 162 Salamander built OOB sometimes ago. I couldn't acess to any aftermarket items so a lot of scratchbuild details. I have made a terrible mistake with this model, [...]

1/32 scale HE 162, No longer a WIP

The Revell of Germany rerelease. Always liked the lines on this fighter and having been a VW nut ("the peoples car") why wouldn't I like the Volksjager ("peoples fighter") This was a great kit for the money, this is OOB [...]

ROG 1/32 He 162 WIP aircraft

This is the ROG 1/32 He 162, since this shot tonight the whole thing has been buttoned up Seams and paint are next. Trying to decide if I want to paint the tail and wing separate or glue them on first? Might do a slightly different shade [...]