The helicopter Database at iModeler

54 articles
  • Items tagged with helicopter
  • 54 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 4 months ago

1/48 Brengun MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter Drone of HSM-35

This kit is an interesting subject. This is the 1/48 Brengun MQ-8B Fire Scout. This is a helicopter drone built by Northrop Grumman and is used by the U.S. Navy. It is typically deployed on FFG’s and LCS ships. The reason I chose this is [...]

Monogram UH-1C

Hi peoples, I have returned! Since my last upload, I have had a lot of time to build and practice new techniques and I have produced this. I have been wanting a "do-over" of a UH-1 because I felt that I could do better than what [...]

1/72 Hasegawa CAF CH-118 Iroquois By Don Weixl

I started this 70’s era kit around 1979 when I was still in college. I got around to painting the interior and then it got put away. I found the barely started kit hiding behind some kits in April of 2021 over 40 years later. I was [...]

Helicopters GB: Doblhoff WNF-342 v4, AMP 48008, 2019

After receiving the invitation to participate in this great helicopter group build from our friend Colin @coling, I felt fotunate to participate in it. Since my building preference is the WWII, I thought it would be difficult to find a [...]

1/32 Glencoe McDonnel XV-1 Experimental Compound Helicopter

1/32 Glencoe McDonnel XV-1 Experimental Compound Helicopter - Great vintage kit of legendary convertiplane. Upgraded and detailed interior. Floquil Old Silver. Windows a bit fiddly.

Revell/Italeri 1:72 HO4S-1 Chickasaw

This is the second of the 1:72 helicopters I built for my club's 2021 theme build of Rescue and Recovery. It's mostly the Revell H-19A kit, but I also purchased a copy of the Italeri H-19B kit and used some of its parts interchangeably. I [...]

13 - Academy 1/48 AH-61D Longbow Apache

This kit was a real love/hate situation. I love the Apache and really wanted to extend myself and try new things and put a lot of effort into finishing it off well. The hate part comes around in the bad fit and engineering of this [...]

11 - Academy 1/48 Hughes 500dIsreali Scheme

A nice quick and quite simple build that I put some extra effort into - I wanted to do an Israeli scheme but didn't have the decals to so I made a mask of the Yellow V with tape and got a friend to cut a mask of the Israeli roundels for [...]

MH-60A Black Hawk Super 62, Battle of Mogadishu, 3OCT1993

Hello iModeler! Here is my completed build of Kitty Hawk's MH-60L Black Hawk, back dated to a MH-60A. Modifications include Werner's Wings correction and back date sets, Werner's Wings decals, and extra bits and pieces to represent [...]

Fa 223 Drache, 1/48 Special Hobby

I built this a while back and had it in its carrying case, to take to a show. Well, the drive way at our house had the same pitch as the roof, and when backing out, the model slid from one end of the case to the other. Well of course it [...]