The Luftwaffe Database at iModeler

74 articles
  • Items tagged with Luftwaffe
  • 74 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 11 months ago

ICM's 1/48th He-111Z1 Twin Bomber, Glider Tow

This has been quite the adventure, and first off I want to thank my good friend Ed for getting this kit for me. I would have to say that overall I thoroughly enjoyed this kit. This is basically two complete airplane kits in two boxes [...]

Italeri's Do 24T flying boat

Hi, This is my recently completed Italeri Do24 kit. It's the upgraded version from 2013 and has a good deal of additional detail from the original 1978 model. I made the kit as part of the Imperial German Air Service group build, which [...]

Haunebu II Flying saucer (Revell, 1:72)

Another job leaves the desk. The Revell Hanunebu II saucer promises easy and fast pleasure layout, with many opportunities for sci-fi and what if lovers. I especially loved its massiveness in it (in a rather unusual way from a model). The [...]

"Vörös 2""Red 2" in the colors of Royal Hungarian Air Force

After a year of building, I finished with Sergeant Ferenc Csikós' red 2 "G6. The model is Eduard’s early version of the G6 with BigSin upgrade set, which included the DB 605 engine, two machine guns , a radio compartment, main [...]

Defending the Reich...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-14/AS, 2./JG300

Newest 109 by my dad, Eduard´s Wilde Sau Pt II Dual Combo I bought him for Father´s Day. Built oob, added brake lines with plastic rods and lead wire. Antenna wires done with EZ Line, the slack is intended. When the mast was mounted on [...]

Heinkel He 162A-2 in 1/72 scale from Special Hobby

I would like to say a few words about the freshly finished 1/72 He 162. The Special Hobby kit is a relatively fresh release and since I like all German jet planes, I purchased it soon after its release. I intended it for a quick, loose [...]

Bf-109D, Dora in WW2 camo scheme

My latest, Messerschmitt Bf-109D by Hobbycraft is presented for review. This kit from 1992 remains passable and makes very presentable Jumo-powered pre-war fighter. If you only do one of these kits, I would recommend it be a Spanish [...]

Revell 1/72 Bf-110 G-4 Hungarian Night fighter

This is a VERY old Revell kit. The plastic had a few raised lines, the radar was very thick and clunky, and there was not a shred of detail in the cockpit. So...started by sanding off all the raised lines, in prep for scribing and [...]

I Might Be in a Rut…

Yep; it's me again with yet another 109! This time the object of my affection is the Tamiya kit, done as a Bf109E-7 from 9/JG 27 during the early days of Operation Barbarossa. Unlike the Airfix kit I posted last time around this one has [...]

Unloved and Unwanted

Everybody remembers the 1/48th scale Airfix Bf109E, right? It was one of the earlier products of the New and Improved Airfix and was a greatly anticipated kit prior to its release, but its welcome was fated to be short-lived. The kit was [...]