Here is the official announcement ! I have leaked it out to some of you and I have received a tremendous response. So without any further delay, I will officially start the new "Luftwaffe" group build on May 1st.
Some of you [...]
G’day all, it’s been an age since I posted here as life has been in the way of modelling recently. Unfortunately I still don’t have a project to share but I thought some of you might be interested in this.
I recently took my son to [...]
I didn't post since september.
From then I've menaged to finish few models... Faun, Zil 130, Panzer 35 (t) , Type 82E... This would be my first post since then, in next couple of days I will post other models.
This is Eduard's pack from [...]
This is a conversion of Revell of Germany’s excellent Junkers Ju 88C-6 kit into a cannon-armed P-1 version using an Aimes conversion set. This set consist of a vacuformed gondola, resin nose and canopy combing, brass gun barrel, and [...]
This is the Revell of Germany He 177A-5 Greif kit number 04616 in 1/72 scale. The clear parts could be a little better molded but overall it is an excellent kit. This one is armed with three Henschel Hs 293 glide bombs instead of the [...]
This is my version of the Spitfire Mk.Vb that was re-engined by the Germans to make comparisons of the Merlin and DB engines
The story can be searched online, suffice it to say the Germans made some tests with the engine from a 110 and the [...]
Originally this 1/48 Fujimi Bf- 110 was to have the mouth marking on the nose, but the decal wouldn’t lay down on the compound curved nose properly, so I went to plan B. I found some photographs in a book that showed a similarly painted [...]
When I got back into modeling, I had been out for a long time and was amazed at what detail could be attained with resin. So of course I took a very good model the Tamiya He-219 Owl, and try and make it better. I used the Aires resin [...]
I build a lot of Luftwaffe aircraft and the He -111 was a mainstay of the German bomber arsenal prior to and through out the war. I really like its lines, and while not as grand as the Condor, or as versatile the Ju-88 it proved to be a [...]