The P-47D Database at iModeler

16 articles
  • Items tagged with P-47D
  • 16 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 12 months ago

Off the SoDHasegawa 1/48 P-47D "Eileen"

Everyone liked the Hasegawa P-47s when they came out 25 years ago, then lost interest when the Tamiya P-47s came out 18 (!) years ago. Yes, there is a shape problem with the fuselage, the belly is too shallow - but not so much that it is [...]

P-47D, Academy 1/48, 313th FS/ 50th FG, Philip Savides

Here is my last built. The Academy kit was a surprise for me. Very nice and easy kit. I used LM decals. As usual every comment is welcome! Link with the details for Philip Savides: (link)

Former Brazilian Jug

Before Spitfirepalooza, there was “I Like Jugs.” My 1/72 Spitfire collection is a bit larger than my P-47 one but, my 1/48 P-47 collection wins (for now, those Eduard overtrees I just bought will turn the tide when done). This is [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Magic Carpet" 390th Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force.

Zotz Decals Ultracast Seat and Wheels Tamiya/Mr Hobby Paints, Tamiya AS12, Alclad, Future Gloss and Xtracrylix Flat. Happy Modelling

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D

Here's my Tamiya P-47D. Vallejo Metal Color (Aluminum) was used. After the decals were added, I sealed everything with a semi-gloss coat. Graphite pencil was used in the panel lines, then scrubbed with a stiff brush in order to work in [...]

Republic P-47D Thunderbolt “Okie”

Well, yesterday was a busy day at the Cameron airport. I finally had an opportunity to spend a couple hours out there and photographed three more planes. These were the very first digital pics ever of this one, a Republic P-47D [...]