Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito
The Ta 154 Database at iModeler
8 articles
ProModeler Revell 1/48 Ta 154A Moskito
The first German aircraft design of a dedicated night fighter.
ProModeler's and later re boxed Revell and Dragon Ta 154 is plagued with fit issues and warped wings. Nonetheless, the model's outlines concurs with the design sketches and [...]
Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito 1/48 scale
This is the out of production ProModeler 1/48 Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito, kit#5959, 1999 issue. Revell Monogram Models produced the molds in South Korea and first issued the kit in 1999. Dragon Models later issued the same molds in their [...]
Focke Wulf Ta154 A2/U4 Nightfighter.
Converted from the Dragon 1/48th kit using the Alley Cat resin conversion set.
“Moskito”, not “Mosquito”
Focke-Wulf Ta 154 was a German counterpart of the famous British Mosquito, so-called "wooden wonder." Although it was designed as a night fighter, this particular aircraft (W. Nr.32003) that I built was used as a twin-engined [...]
Focke Wulf Ta-154 Moskito
The Ta-154 Moskito was a two-seat night fighter that flew for the first time on 1 July 1943. It was designed primarily as a night fighter to stem the tide of Allied bombers attacking Germany at night. The Ta-154, like the de Havilland [...]
1/48 Dragon Ta 154
The decals on this kit "exploded" as soon as they hit the water, those that didn't promptly fell apart on contact with the model. With very few after market options available I scrounge around the spares box for replacements but [...]
R-M Promodeler 1/48 Ta-154A-1
RLM 75/76, built OOB.
PM 1/72 TA-154 Moskito
Hi All,
Here is my PM Models TA-154, a kit that I really enjoyed building, probably as I was prepeared for being a bit of work. It definitley needs lots of test fitting, sand paper, plastic card and the occaisional filler.
I bulked up the [...]