1/144 Airfix SR.N4 Hovercraft
Vintage kit of great hovercraft. A lot of clamps and pressure required to get the main sections to fit. Interior details fine for their time. Less fit issues than many 'see thru' models.
1/43 Hobby Time U.S. Army Bell XV-3 Convertiplane
Probably the oldest vintage kit I’ve ever built. Had the kit for decades as
it was missing one complex cockpit glass section. Tried to vacuum one a few times….
all failed. Then a [...]
1/32 Glencoe McDonnel XV-1 Experimental Compound Helicopter - Great vintage kit of legendary convertiplane.
Upgraded and detailed interior.
Floquil Old Silver.
Windows a bit fiddly.
1/16 Minicraft Jaguar SS100 1938
For some alleged personal sins I build (or try to build) vintage kits? I just put some effort into improving them a bit without the time required to re engineer the old tech. Of course the wire wheels are [...]
I saw a couple of images of the Lysander in this Burma scheme, found decals for it, and boom! - project on! I had this old bagged Airfix kit in the stash, and with the ribbing and rivets already there, it had a surprisingly good exterior [...]
This is a "new" kit from Atlantis, which is actually the 1956 Revell 1/54 model of the "short-nose" F11F-1 Tiger used by the Blue Angels in the 1950s. Atlantis has been re-releasing old Revell kits for a while, at [...]
Resume from kit instruction sheet:
One of the most utilitarian commercial vehicles in use in the 1950s in the USA, the Ford Pick-Up represented a combination of passenger car styling and functional industrial design. Used by countless [...]
I enjoyed the Stuart so much that I knocked out another old Tamiya tank kit that lurked in the stash for decades. This one is the 1974 vintage M3 Grant. Not a bad model for 1974. One thing the kit lacks are rails above the sand [...]
This build is of a 1967 boxing of the 1964 Frog kit, alas, without the “F 20 Spin-a-prop motorizing kit!” I had read in numerous Detail & Scale books about Frog kits, but had never built one, as such. So when I saw this one for [...]