The Zero Database at iModeler

128 articles
  • Items tagged with Zero
  • 128 articles
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  • Last addition 3 years, 1 month ago

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Flight 19 Pearl Harbor 80th Anniversary Group Build A pair of Airfix 1/48 P-40’s and a 1/48 Hasegawa A6M-2

I have been extremely busy with all sorts of full scale life lately, and I have not had much free time available at the work bench. Because of this, I was not able to fully complete these models before the December 7th deadline. Sorry. [...]

80 Years Ago: TORA! TORA! TORA!

FROM THE AUTHOR: I would thank the group of "The 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor [..]" to invite me to do some of the group build. The time frame was very tight. Aproxymately I had two an a half week to complete [...]

EoJ GB: Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero type 21, Hasegawa 1/48

Finally I had the opportunity to join this fantastic GB with a Mitsubishi A6M2b Zero. As a matter of fact, Spiros @fiveten, invited me to join his already started thread with my Zero as well and do a combo build. I was honored to receive [...]

1/72 Mitshubishi A6M3,Typ 32,ZERO,”Hamp” Q-102

Tamiya 1/72 Mitshubishi A6M3 typ32, ZERO, "Hamp" serial number3030 petty officer 1st.class Kazuo Tsunoda, 2nd Air group 26.8.1942 Buna ,New Guinea. Build from the box with some added necessary details from the wires. Painted with [...]

The New Guinea Samurai. A6M3.

Helo A Zero from the Tainan Fighter Group, Buna, East-New Guinea, 1942-1943. This is a real Oldie. A classic kit from the Tamiya range. Something reengraved. The rest build oob. Hinomarus and stripes painted on. The rest are original kit [...]

Tamiya A6M5c Zero 52c

Presented for iModeler colleagues and friends, the Tamiya A6M5c Zero from 1983. Though the model is old, it is still quite good, in my opinion. After doing my N1K1 Shiden, I had an urge to do its contemporary, the late-war version of [...]

1/48 Tamiya A6M3 Model 32 Hamp

I think this is my fourth build for The Empire of Japan Group. Nice kit for being so old but it does lack the detail of the newer kits. I decided to do the field applied paint scheme to change it up a bit and it was a lot of fun. Painted [...]

A6M2b Oita advanced Flying School

I had a desire to make an airplane in the painting of the school unit. And this is how this Zero-Sen model from the Oita flight school was created. I did an attractive painting of the lower surfaces with H24 paint. Cockpit details such as [...]

A6M5 HEI 303 Air Group, Kagoshima Prefecture 1945.

A long time ago I wanted to build a Zero-Sen Hasegawa 1:72 model. Then, however, it did not come out as I would have liked. I have come back to the subject again with much more experience and now I present the results. Works finished two [...]

A6M5 HEI “Never GIve UP!”

Hello. This is my first work presented on this website. A6M5 HEI Academy - Saburo Sakai "Never Give Up!". Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai ヨ-137 Japan 1945. An amazing story locked in the plane of the famous pilot Saburo Sakai San. I [...]