The Zero Database at iModeler

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Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Random thoughts on Japanese colors. The Japanese A6M Zero…Part 1

Japanese A6M Zero Colors... Part 1 I recently posted a similar article to this one about WW2 Japanese Aviation colors. It was not completely prepared so I removed the original posting. This is along the same line as my original [...]

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero Nightfighter

The final years of war were troublesome to the Japanese industry. The initial production of the famous Zero were up to the highest standards,to the point pilots rather be flying one of the old fighters due to its superior operational [...]

Mitsubishi A6M5 ZERO ” Zeke”

I admire the courage of those man, both sides! I´m building the warbirds of the Pacific Theater of Operations. This is second one! My first was a F4u - Corsair New on the hobbie, with a little help I get there! Hello from Brazil (Brasil [...]

Sweet 1/144 A6M2b X7 plus Flight Deck Section

My last project, painted Hinomaru insignias and colored belts/stripes, pitot tubes added with hipodermic needles and wire. Little nice kits but it took me longer than expected to finish these up, too many things to mask, Deck section has 5 [...]

FineMolds 1/72 A6m5b model 52 ZEKE (Nakajima built)

My last completed build for 2018. FineMold's example of the late war Zeke. I'll have to get around to building one of Tamiya's 1:72 A6Ms to do a fair assessment of FineMold's offering. Fit was very good, detail very fine, but lacking in [...]

1/48 Tamiya A6M3 Zero

I was quite dissapointed when I opened this kit. Not many parts, not too much details, it seemed like underestimated myself. But, I had to add at least one Japanese WWII aircraft to my collection, and I did not expect too much from $20 [...]

Mitsubishi-A6M5-ZeroTamiya 1/32

Vintage kit from Tamiya which was sleeping for about 15 years in my basement. After some days sick at home I have decided to restart building models. Wow what a great feeling to redo something with my hands. I used Tamiya lacquers, dry [...]

Mitsubishi A6M2 – Zero; Tamiya, 1/48

This plane represents one of the 2nd wave that stroke Pearl Harbour, from the Akagi. I scribed lots of panel lines and rivets so, at the end, did a heavy weathering to made those work pop. After a break of almost 30 years, I have lots of [...]

1:48 Scale Hasegawa, Mitsubishi A6M3, Model 32, Type 0, Navy Fighter, (Hamp)

This is Hasegawa's 1:48 scale kit of one of the variant's of Mitsubishi's famous fighter aircraft. Because of the squared off wing tips, allied pilots thought they were facing a new Japanese fighter, and gave her a different recognition [...]

The Akutan Ronin: Captured Mitsubishi A6M2b-21 Zero, Airfix 1:72, “Caged Warbirds” serie

As the third specimen of my "Captured Warbirds" serie this one is quite interesting. This Zero was shoot down over Akutan, Alaska, in the Aleutian islands, in July of 1942. The plane was shoot in the oil return line so the pilot, [...]