Sauber Mercedes C9

Started by Richard Mcstay · 44 · 6 years ago
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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    I know what you mean about things getting hidden when you put the covers on.
    All that time spent, but you know it`s there.

    Nice work Richard.

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    George Williams said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    I think you're on the Mulsanne Straight now, Richard, maybe you need to get that sanding stick to work on the front tyres as well though!

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    Richard Mcstay said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks very much Simon. I don't know if I'll get it finished before I go back to work on Monday George. I've got a wedding to go to down in Yorkshire and all sorts before then. Plus I have only seen Claire for 3 days since the start of June because of our jobs! She's just got home so I think this may be the odd exception where I would get in trouble for hiding in the command centre!

    I had thought about sanding the front tyres but the contact surfaces will be completely concealed on the final model.

    The windows have came out as good as I could have hoped for I suppose, any imperfections from removing them from the sprue seem to be hidden in the window frames,

    That's the decals on the main body of the car now, and the main decal is down on the spoiler.

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    Bryan W. Bernart said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Looking really good, Richard. Love to see the final result.

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    Bernd Müller said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Wow! Looks great so far,Richard. Excellent masking job !

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    Richard Mcstay said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks very much guys. It's not far off completion but I've been called back out to work for 10 days. I'm hoping to get it finished next time I'm home.

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    Richard Mcstay said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Back again after a rather short trip offshore. I've finished the spoiler now and have just attached it to the body. I have used some dark wash to get into the panel lines of the body work and bring out some of the smaller details, hopefully to make it look like it's already done a couple of laps. I had contemplated giving it a light airbrushing off dust and dirt taken back in the direction of airflow over the car, make it look like it had been running all night through a few patches of rain. I decided in the end though to keep it relatively clean, it would probably be easy to over do it.

    The yellow mirrors of the #63 car are on also. The yellow also corresponds with the yellow square round the back right tail light on this car. In 1989 the #61 car had red mirrors and rear, and the #62 car had white.

    I made the ariels on the car from guitar string, cut and sprayed black. Although I do actually play the guitar but I wanted a specific gauge of string so I bought a single string from a local music shop rather than a 6 string set. I explained what I was doing with it, and it's actually not the strangest request they get. A local cheese company apparently pre orders every year around 50 specific gauged strings to cut the cheeses with!

    I think I'm just about on the home straight with this one now. I'll hopefully have it finished by tomorrow evening as I only have the lights to do now. I will post all further updates and post a sneak preview here before moving the final article to the headlines.

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Very nice work Richard, she looks gorgeous mate.
    Looking forward to seeing her in Headlines.

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    Bernd Müller said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Thats looking really good Richard. Its great to see, that your modelling hasn t stopped, thanks to the massive work you are doing, well done so far !
    IM is a very good place for racers !

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    Richard Mcstay said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks guys, greatly appreciated!

    The final part of the build was to secure in the windows and the headlights. I think the PVA glue is definitely the way forward for this. I sprayed some alclad holographic chrome on the backs of the lights to give them a nice shine.

    Well that's it done! Here's a few pics of the final model on the bench. I'm waiting till it's daylight again to take the photo's for the final article, much better lighting conditions!

    Thanks very much to everyone who followed the work in progress!

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    Simon Whitney said 8 years, 9 months ago:

    Nice mate, nice...
    Look forward to seeing her in Headlines

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    John Cope said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Very well done,a great subject.

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    Richard Mcstay said 6 years, 7 months ago:

    Thanks very much mate, cheers!

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    Gary Brantley said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Beautiful work Richard! Where are the keys? I want to take her out for a lap or two myself! 🙂