Merci beaucoup, my friends Erik @airbum and George @georgeswork!
George, it was a neverending 10/0 paintbrush painting loop!
And, to be honest, it hasn't ended yet!
The slightest off-track movement of my hand, or the slightest movement of the model, would result in (yet another} mistake, and off to the starting point again (of course, after a minimum of 4-5 hours interval, so the paint would dry...oh dear...but we love those things...or do we? -lol!).
Decals applied!
They worked quite well, as I suspect they must have been at least 20 years old.
The usual past (thank goodness) Airfix /Heller color shift is also here, however it is barely noticeable, since it affects only the unit badges attached at both front sides, which are multicolor; all others are one tone black (thank goodness again they didn't manage to color shift a single color decal, though their decal quality sometimes created such fears -LOL).
A coat of Future seald them decals nicely!
(Yet another) touchup sesion will follow, together with the addition of seats, pilots and exhaust cones, so the final clear coating could be commenced...
Cheers aerobatic!