Another small set of tasks advancing the build.I am basically doing things to get the hull ready for painting. That means things like removing items that will be replaced eventually with PE parts, identifying and installing parts that I want on the hull before I do this first paint session, filling seams, and improving some details.
The first order of business was making a placement template for photoetch details which will replace items that need to be removed from the model. Since the locations of the molded details will no longer be visible after removal of those details (especially after painting), a template is a must. In this case, a simple pair of paper sheets taped together with a center line drawn on the paper and then marking locations on that centerline for the details (bow, stern, cleats, and deck edge stairs).
1. Still need to remove the deck edge molded details (stairs platform). All of the cleats have been removed already.
Some photoetch details will be added before painting. Others, such as railings and cleats, will be added later in the build to avoid having them break off during construction. The beginnings of the super structure have been added to the deck. In this case, adding this later would provide little benefit as long as it is added before the main superstructure, but adding it now, allows me to fill in seams and do some preliminary PE detailing before I apply paint. This is going to be my guiding principle throughout this build, namely delay putting things on unless they need to be in order to facilitate something later or if their placement later would be a problem. This structure has some hatches PE added and there are some smaller bits of PE I can add before painting.
1. The first bit of center deck structure. Before painting, there is some PE that will be added to this. I have already added the hatch covers, but there are some smaller pieces still to add.
2. I will not be adding things like deck edge railings or cleats or the deck edge stairs until much later in the build as they will almost certainly be knocked off.
At the bow, the opening where the anchor chain comes through the hull has a dome shaped pad (? - not sure what it is called). On the real ship, this is quite prominent, however on the kit, it is relatively flat. I decided to scratchbuild a replacement to improve on this. Using a small piece of styrene tubing and some milliput, I made the rough shapes of the domes.
1. The initial rough part to make the two prominent anchor pads from.
After curing, this was sanded down to the diameter of the tubing and the dome made flatter. Then holes were gradually drilled through the milliput using progressively larger drill bits (to avoid chipping the milliput). Once that was completed, I cut off the pads from each end of the rough part, ensuring that a small amount of styrene tubing remained for gluing to the hull. I removed the original pads molded into the hull and smooth sanded the area and then glued the new pads in place using extra thin cement.
1. Notice how flat this original molding is
1. I believe these need to be drilled out
2. These molded in cleats are being replaced with PE
3. Anchor opening pad
1. Notice how prominent this is on the real ship.
I still want to add propeller shafts and rudder to the hull as well. I will leave off the propellers for now.