Some progress today, not a lot, but still another step forward. I wanted to test painting the wood veneer deck and compare it to a piece of the deck painted the same way. I did areas with and without primer to see if there is a difference. The reason for these tests is that I will be patching in my styrene deck pieces scribed on my vinyl cutter and I wanted to make sure that the different materials were going to look the same under paint.
Interestingly, the plastic deck looked the same with and without primer before painting the deck blue. The wood veneer had a different look to it between the primered and unprimered parts. The primered approach gives the most consistent look.
Now that I've established that, I am beginning to install the wood veneer and the PE fore deck. I've done as much on the hangar structure as I want to do before painting except to add some small PE detail parts. The small parts will also be added to the wood veneer deck.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to paint the upper surfaces since I will have to do additional painting on them once all the remaining PE is in place. I need to think about this more.
Part of my challenge is that I am also working on a ceiling repair in one of our bathrooms and that has been taking some of my time.