USS San Francisco Project

Started by Carl Smoot · 212 · 1 week ago
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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Glad you figured out the best approach, Carl @clipper
    Not that easy to switch between a ceiling repair and some modelling.

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    Louis Gardner said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Hello Carl. Sorry for not being more active on here lately but I’ve been very sick. In fact I sincerely think that I had Covid again even though I didn’t test positive. I was laid up for two weeks and it was all I could do to get out of the bed.

    Thankfully I’m much better now and I’m back to my usual old self.

    Wow. You’re steaming right along here…. Full speed ahead ! 😂
    Pardon my lame naval pun.

    I contacted the Fish House and spoke with a lady who was named Maria shortly after the episode aired on TV. I told her everything about the model and she seemed very excited to hear this.

    She even invited me to come over and meet with them.

    If I lived closer to Pensacola I would have definitely taken her up on that offer. As it stands now I live about 8 hours drive away from there.

    If I ever get another chance to go to Pensacola and see the Naval Aviation Museum, then I’ll definitely stop by and see them too at the Fish House.

    Keep it going my friend. You’re doing a fantastic job here and I’m looking forward to seeing your next installment.

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Working on a ceiling and a veneer deck alternately, that’s real mastery!
    Be sure not to put the ceiling stuff on the deck and the other way around. 🤣

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    Carl Smoot said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Thanks George (@gblair), Spiros (@fiveten), John (@johnb), Alfred (@alfred), and Louis (@lgardner).

    No worries, I won't mix up the drywall work with the ship work. 🙂

    Louis, glad to hear you are feeling better. Being sick like that sucks big time and it really makes you appreciate the times when you are not sick. I hope you get a chance to go to the Fish House to see your old friend (the model).

    I'm working on getting the deck pieces down today. As you may all recall, the wood veneer decks have cutouts for the gun tub splinter shields that are excessively wide. And I am going to be patching in scribed styrene for those areas as a replacement. That is being accomplished today. To avoid making mistakes, I am taking it slow and doing one section at a time. I hope to be able to get this done by the end of today and then I can start adding small PE detail that can be painted and which won't be in the way for the remainder of the build nor at risk of being broken off.

    The scribed styrene was laid out in my Silhouette Studio software and then scribed with the vinyl cutter with the blade set at the shallowest depth (so it wouldn't cut through the 5 thousandths plastic). The the sheets are placed under the veneer and cutout. Finally, any holes in the veneer are transferred to the styrene sheet.

    Once that is completed, the styrene is glued to the ship using Ammo Mig Ultra glue. I did not want to use styrene cement because the sheet is too thin and I didn't want it to be distorted by the cement. Tape held the sheet down until it is dry.

    The forward deck also needs patching in, but in two places so it is not quite completed yet. I'm using the same basic approach, but one side at a time to avoid getting the two sides mixed up.

    All in all, it's been interesting to do this. I've learned some new useful techniques and so far it has not been drudgery or too intimidating. The biggest challenge I am seeing is trying to determine how much to put on the hull before painting.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Looking fantastic, Carl (@clipper). I am amazed at how well the "filler" pieces for the deck around the gun tubs actually fit. I am using the same slow and steady plan. I don't want to mess something up that is unrecoverable.

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    Carl Smoot said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Done for the night

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Excellent progress and really great looks, my friend @clipper!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    You're making some really good progress, Carl @clipper

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    Carl Smoot said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Thanks Spiros (@fiveten) and John (@johnb). I very much want to get some paint on the upper deck to harmonize all these different materials. But I still have a bunch of small photo etch piece to install. And I want to get the lower hull painted and done so I can minimize handling of the ship by re-attaching it to the temporary base I made.

    So last night and today, I've been working on painting the lower hull. There are three colors involved. The primary color is a red anti fouling which is commonly called Hull Red but for the San Francisco, I believe it is officially called 65A - Anti Fouling Red.

    The sides get a Navy Blue, I believe its Navy Blue 5N for the period I am building (Measure 21 scheme). And there is a black waterline stripe.

    For the red, I was originally going to use Tamiya Hull Red, and had purchased this some time ago online. However, it is far too brown. Online research indicated there were several other paint brands that have Hull Red, but I didn't have any of them and didn't want to order it and have to wait only to find out it may not be correct. So instead, using 80% Tamiya Flat Red (XF-7) and 20% Tamiya Hull Red (XF-9), I mixed up the color shown here. It looks good to my eye. I am not a ship expert so it may not be completely accurate, but I like the look of it.

    I first applied Mr Surfacer 1500 Grey to the lower hull to unify the different colors. Then sprayed the hull red mixture. It took a few coats to get an even coverage. After it dried sufficiently, I laid down a strip of 2MM Tamiya masking tape where the black waterline was going to be and using this as a guide, masked on both sides of it with other Tamiya masking tape and then removed the 2MM tape before painting with Tamiya Flat Black (XF-1).

    For the blue, I've got Tamiya Field Blue (XF-50), but I have not yet compared this to the color chips I have, so there may be some adjusting of that color needed before I can spray it. I was going to do that today, but in the process of masking and spraying the black waterline, I managed to scuff up the hull red color in a few spots, so I had to give that another coat to blend those in.I want to let this dry thoroughly before masking it off to paint the blue on the remaining sides of the hull.

    After the blue, I am going to gloss coat and decal and do some small amount of weathering to the hull and then a final satin coat. I want to get as much done with the lower hull as I can so I can avoid having to handle it later when there is a bunch of fragile parts attached to the upper deck. Then the hull will be re-attached to the temporary base so I can do all future handling using the base as a handle.

    As I mentioned, the deck still needs PE parts so I am going to paint all of that later.

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Great progress, Carl (@clipper). The decks look great already, and will look even better with paint on them. Bottom of the hull looks great painted and gives a feel of progressing through the build. Some of the APDs had the all-over Navy Blue scheme, but a number of them had the jungle green scheme used on many of the late war assault ships and landing craft. The scheme is very complex, so I may lean toward something simpler.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Excellent painting results, my friend @clipper!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Paint work on the lower hull looks, Carl @clipper

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    Carl Smoot said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    The photo makes this blue look darker, but I am wondering if this still needs to be lighter. I am used to seeing gray ships so these blue schemes are throwing me off.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    From the picture I would say that it looks okay, Carl @clipper
    Maybe others, with ship experience, have another opinion.

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 2 months, 2 weeks ago:

    You’ve been very busy, Carl!
    Quite some progress you’ve made in the last couple of days. It’s looking superb.
    I also made my own Hull Red paint by mixing light rust with bright red until the color looked acceptable to me to use for the Pibber hull.
    You were right in your opinion that ready-made Hull Red looks far too brownish. Besides that it saved me from buying a color I will most definitely not use again.