USS San Francisco Project

Started by Carl Smoot · 212 · 6 days ago
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    George R Blair Jr said 1 week ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): Today was a really nice day to be out. I was at my daughter's house waiting for a new washer to be delivered. That was a fun 4 hours. As far as wind goes, it is probably the same in a boat as it is flying an airplane. If there is a crosswind, you have to turn the nose a degree or two into the wind to hold a heading. If you slow down, like during final approach, you have to turn the nose into the wind even more to compensate for the loss of speed. I am sure the higher the sides of your boat, the more effect the wind has on it.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 days, 20 hours ago:

    Great that you practiced with your boat, my friend @clipper!