Mig-15bis 1/48 by Monogram

Started by Martin · 18 · 1 year ago
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    Gary Brantley said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    @tcinla, That's interesting, Tom. I wonder how that decision was made?

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    Tom Cleaver said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    It's interesting - the figure is 1/48, so you do see the "over-size". Still nice work on this old dog.

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    Gary Brantley said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    @tcinla Yes, it's easy to see the MiG is oversized; it sits by its "box-mate" in my display, and they are about the same size. I always knew the MiG-15 was a smaller plane, and when I compared my finished Monogram version to the Tamiya model I later bought, it became even more apparent.

    I was wondering how Monogram decided to make the MiG in that different scale?

    And yes, Martin has produced a really great looking model out of his Monogram kit!