Bernie! The Eduard Spits are seriously nice kits, if they weren't to release them in 1/72 soon I just might had been dragged over the 48-line once more 🙂 !
Even if the photos don't show much, at least SOME work has been done. I ended up stuck in a serious bout of weathering phobia on these but I think I have managed to get out of it at least with the Mk 24, the weathering on the 22 has yet to be started.
Let's start on the subject of spares... To start with, I managed to do a cross-over when painting the spinners: the Airfix one was inadvertently painted for the Xtrakit Spit and the Xtrakit one for the Airfix. No bonus points for that manoeuvre...
After trying to assemble them (and then I even (OK, sort of, obviously...) dryfitted them before painting) I ended up with a beautifully assembled Airfix prop (for the 73 sqn Xtrakit machine) and an Xtrakit prop that refused to submit to no matter how much violence I used on it. Looking at them, I also realised that there are huge shape differences.
Without making any deeper analysis I came to the conclusion that I didn't like the look of the Xtrakit prop (even if the Airfix one looks a bit skinny) so after some thinking I decided that I'll buy another Airfix kit just to get the prop. After all, it doesn't cost a fortune and the rest of it can be used in any of my almost 15 Ventura Spitfire kits that are in the yet-to-be-built pile... So now I finally have two acceptably good-looking props for my Spits!
The Spit itself after som further weathering (washes and some pastels to break up the rather monochrome camo)...
...and a matte coat that as an added bonus gave me a bunch of white specks that I'll have to get rid of somehow. A stiff brush will probably do the trick!
I'm off for Easter now, will bring some modelling with me but that's a ground-bound thing on wheels in 35-scale (yes, I occasionally dabble in that as well...).