Valentine tank 1/35 Tamiya

Started by neil foster · 38 · 6 years ago
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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    I get it, Neil. I have a garage workshop, too, and when it gets cold things slow down. You'll just have to wait it out. Getting cold here, too!

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Wow Neil, your Valentine is looking good ! I'm anxious to see how it turns out. Sounds like the weather may slow you down a bit... Hang in there buddy.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Just a little update about my addition to this GB ,I can report that the Valentine tank is now complete and ready for the grand unveiling ,as I have finished in plenty of time I have decided to have a go at the figures as well, I have had some success with figure painting in the past but I won't claim it as a strongpoint so don't look too closely on the big day.

    I don't know if I'm the first to finish but I have worked at a much faster pace than I normally do as I have enjoyed so much building a quality kit for a change instead of some of the old nails I have built this year and also the subject has really caught my interest.

    I am fully intending to make at least one more addition to this GB with a few ideas on the backburner ,one possibility is the old Airfix Austin Ambulance from there emergency vehicle set , it is the one featured in the John Mills classic movie "Ice cold in Alex" and would be perfect, I am also thinking about Monty's Humber Snipe staff car (also by Airfix) with some very nice figures by Riich models of Monty ,Churchill and a couple of others ,I'm not sure if the Crusader tank has been claimed (Jeff B ?) and also the M3 Grant tank , so plenty to think about...

    Cheers for now N.

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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Neil, this is great progress. Let me know when you are ready about your next addition to the KP Group Build, and I will post it to inventory.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    O.K. Dave, I was going to PM you with some pics of the finished article but unless I am being a dunce you can't attach pics to a private message ,or am I doing something wrong ?.

    Am I the first to complete a kit for this GB ? also do you have any information on Beaufighters that took part in this campaign as I have completed the 1/48th scale Tamiya Mk vi in Mediteranean RAF markings, I know in the true spirit of a GB you are supposed to build the kit especially for the GB but it's sitting there and if it fits the bill I don't see the harm but it is your baby and you call the shots my friend .

    Cheers for now N.

    P.S. the weather here has taken a turn for the worse with overnight temps predicted to be around -4c

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    David A. Thomas said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Yeah, I can't seem to figure out pics to a PM either. You can always email me. I'll shoot you my email address.

    I think some others have completed but are holding their fire for the reveal in February.

    I found this link for Beaufighters during the larger conflict ( and I'll let you take your pick on what seems best to you. Use your own judgement if your model actually fits the bill well.

    Sorry about the temps! We are getting chilly here, too, hanging around zero.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Great news Neil with your Valentine. I'll be looking forward to seeing it during the reveal.

    It has gotten a little chilly down here too, but nothing near what you guys are experiencing !

    The M3 Lee would be a great would any of the other choices you mentioned. I'll be anxiously awaiting your next project.

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    neil foster said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Cheers Louis,N.