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"The response to my group build has been staggering." @dlee
1/72 MPM XK72003, Extra decals X72077, bits and pieces, started on this a while ago, time to get serious ! -------------------- change of planes, not a great kit, so as not to use the boom extension tanks now doing an FAW 1 !
10 attached images. Click to enlarge.
What an entry, Allan @Kalamazoo! Looks to be a great kit! Are you going to do the standard scheme?
A Sea Vixen getting the Kalamazoo treatment - I'm strapped in!
Thanks Spiros, typical MPM, yes but with Xtra decals, ------------- Thanks Erik, hold on tight, ----------- a pic of the scheme and a little editing of the title ! and more editing, FAW 1 of Fred's Five !
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Wonderful entry Allan @kalamazoo! I was wondering when you were gonna start posting this build. Your kit buries the old Frog Vixen - and you have a cockpit, lucky guy! Looking forward to your posts Allan.
Thank you George, I didn't want to compete with your build too soon !
A Circus plane, no less!
Love the chosen scheme!
Simon says thanks Erik, Sircus with an S, -------------- Thanks Spiros, just a little different to standard !
A little more done !
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.
I so much love it when I see full intakes (and right depth exhausts) at kits, Allan @kalamazoo! Even more so in 1/72! The realism added is so important. Looking good!
Some important prepping on the - Sircus - plane Allan (@kalamazoo)
Thank you Spiros, me too when it looks right, --------------- Thank you Erik, -------------- a few inlets I've worked on to improve and exhausts, ---------
4 attached images. Click to enlarge.
I’m jealous about the Vixens inlets 😉 Good idea about the boom support Allan.
Thanks George, I hope the inlets come up OK, no locators on this kit !