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Love that PRU Blue shade, looking great on the Mosquito, my friend @kalamazoo!
Thanks Spiros my friend, it does look good, my first subject in over all PRU blue, a bit of cleaning up needed !
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Ahhh, the tape that lifted off! Just a tiny cleanup and it will look perfect, my friend @kalamazoo!
PRU Blue looks fantastic! I could have sworn the handle was there for something else, but you learn all the time 🙂 Great progress - sorry that I have been absent lately, but work got in the way.
Thanks Spiros, looking better, --------- Thanks Erik, secondary purpose, I forgive you ! ------------ some glazing on and more painting !
Looking great, my friend @kalamazoo!
Just checked online, and Pledge does not seem to be available in Europe when searching thsir website. I suppose it is "just" some acrylic varnish?
Thanks Spiros my friend, -------------- Thanks Erik, it seems to be discontinued, there are other options ! ------------ I just noticed some frames I'd missed so some 78 on those and blue on the nose.
Closer to the one-tone finished plane - looking great already, going to be awesome with the last bits.
Thanks Erik, I should have put these bits on the nose before painting, we live and not learn !
Will look great after painting, my friend @kalamazoo!
Why learn when we can make the same mistake over and over again 🙂
Thanks Spiros, I hope so, ------------- Thanks Erik, adds to the challenge. --------------------- Touch up blue done, cleaned up and ready for some Pledge !
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Looking the part excellently, my friend @kalamazoo!
Succesful cleanup, Allan @kalamazoo