Savoia-Marchetti S.79 – Classic Airframes 1/48

Started by Colin Gomez · 38 · 6 months ago · 1/48, Classic Airframes, S.79 Sparviero
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    Colin Gomez said 6 months ago:

    Thanks, John. I will be happy to get on to the painting over the holidays. Hope you have fun with your 1/72 version.

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    Colin Gomez said 6 months ago:

    Thanks, Tom @tcinla. I read your S-79 reviews carefully and often consult the pics of the double build you did. Seems you got two good kits early on as opposed to the lemons I got from the end of the production run. Even the resin bits in the kit I got have big flaws. I will have fun trying to re-sculpt one of the resin tires as it has a big sink mark. Not sure what the best filler for resin should be - maybe super glue or miliput? Any suggestions?

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    Colin Gomez said 6 months ago:

    Thanks, Steve. Definitely want to see this one through soon. Most of the major build challenges solved now so on to painting soon. The decals look excellent, so I hope to have smooth sailing there.

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    Tom Cleaver said 6 months ago:

    @coling - myself, I would build up the "interior" of the flawed tire woth C-A glue, then put milliput or some other putting on that I can sand to shape.

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    Valter vaudagna said 6 months ago:

    Hi,ad an ITALIAN and model maker who built 4models of the SM79 i can tell you that tuo are doing an excellent job.

    All the companies that built the SM79 had their own personal painting scheme for the internal structures,using anti corrosion green,or the anti corrosion grey,or a combination of the 2 colours,green for the cockpit and gray for the rest.

    I personally hawe always chosen this the last option.

    I remember that the anti corrosion green was produced in 3 different shades : pale green ( very similar to the english Sky green) the shade you used,and the grass green of the Officine Reggiane Caproni whorkshops,which i remember, thogether whit Ambrosini and SIAI were the companies that they built the SM 79 .

    Good continuation of the built

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    George R Blair Jr said 6 months ago:

    This is the kit that keeps on giving, Colin (@coling). All of the misshapen parts in this kit are amazing. You are obviously making the best of a bad situation. Glad you are moving again on this one. Can't wait to see it done.

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    Colin Gomez said 6 months ago:

    Thank you very much for your kind encouragement, Valter. Your work on the SM79 in 1/72 is incredible, I was looking again at the three models you did that are here on iModeler as well as elsewhere on the internet. I will refer to your skillful airbrushing work when I get to that stage on my build. I am sure I looked at your in-progress shots earlier when I was doing my own detailing. That is interesting about how the cockpit color varied. I have seen some pics of museum examples which had both the green and the grey together.

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    Colin Gomez said 6 months ago:

    Thanks, George. Sometimes I get more pleasure out of a build with major fixes than I do with an easy build. But I still like to have a Tamiya or Hasegawa to turn to to get my mojo back, as they say. Fortunately, I have a few things I am juggling that way these days. The SM-79 is top priority to finish soon.