F-16C, Hasegawa 1/72 USAF

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 48 · 5 months ago
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    This will be my 1st choice for this GB.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Erik Gjørup said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Looking forward to follow the journey.

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Nice one! @uscusn

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 1 month ago:

    Great choice, Chuck @uscusn

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Great entry, my friend @uscusn!
    Looking forward to it!

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 year ago:

    This one will go together well, Chuck (@uscusn). Looking forward to the build.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year ago:

    Thanks Eric for a great idea with the gathering of Falcons (aka Vipers) GB
    Hi Alfred strap in hope you will enjoy the progress
    Thanks John always appreciate your input and encouragement.
    My fellow aviator Spiros, thank you.
    Thanks George welcome to the party.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year ago:

    Let's pop the lid and see what is in the box. Building several 72nd Hase kits, this will be my first F-16 in this scale from Hasegawa. I have a Fujimi F-16 under my belt and just looking at the Hase plastic is a bit better. I have built a Hasegawa 48th scale F-16C and an Italeri F-16C. This project will be a fresh new attempt for this model, having one more in the stash.
    Popping the lid reveals parts still in their bags, ( this was a kit bought from Ebay a few years ago).

    The usual instruction sheet, easy to follow fold out affair. A pic of the completed model, next page has the parts map, and the suggested paints to use to build it. paint codes are from Gunze.

    Step one starts in the cockpit as the parts show to assemble and attach parts into the tub. The sequence of assembly is similar as you proceed to the next step till the end of the project.

    The paint scheme for 3 USAF F-16C's in their standard scheme applied in that time period.

    The decals include squadron flashes,codes,stencils as well as badges.

    The seller was nice to have an Eduards zoom set and a Pavla resin seat thrown into the kit as well a nice touch.

    Now to the plastic. Crisp fine engraved panel lines that Hasegawa was know for when these kits were popped in the late 70's, yes the late 70's though this kit was produced in a series of F-16's in the mid 80's. Not as parts intensive like the larger fighters in the series such as the excellent F-14's and F-15's for example. But they were fun to build and not so over engineered back in the day. The only drawback some complained the use of decals for the instruments which is fine 72nd scale. Not so in 48th. Sprue A is the upper fuselage half, which has very nice engraved panel lines.

    Sprue B, contains the lower fuselage half, cockpit tub, intake scoop, main wheels, interior components.

    The main gear bay has some basic details, lacking any electrical conduits, plumbing, etc. The main wheels are ok resin wheels would be an improvement. The intake are in halves with the intake inlet scoop as one piece to attach to the leading edge of the 2 pieces.

    The cockpit tub is basic and ok for this scale. The Eduard's zoom set will be an improvement especially under a very clear canopy. The main gear doors interior does have some decent details.

    The next sprue contains the tail, stabs, wings and landing gear.

    The main gear struts and the nose wheel is moulded as one piece with the nose gear strut.

    The nose gear bay insert is a bit shallow.

    The tail rudder is moulded in one piece with a separate base which will attach to rear upper fuselage section.

    The exhaust outlet will look better when detailed with various shades of exhaust metals. Better than just a blank that some kits in this scale will just provide.

    The last sprue has the drop tanks and some weapons are also provided at a time when Hasegawa for the most part would have you use one of their weapons sets to supply ordnance.

    Pylons for each station under the wings.

    2 versions of the AIM-9 Sidewinders are supplied. This version of the F-16 is also AIM-120 capable as well so may source a set of them for this build. 2 BL755 cluster bomb units are also provided.

    The exhaust cone looks ok and will use this to complete the build.

    The canopy is clear not smoked and is crystal clear.

    Next up step one...

    More to follow...

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    George Schembri said 1 year ago:

    This great in is in excellent hands, Chuck.
    Especially with the resin seat and the PE items, looks like this build is prepping to be an '11'.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year ago:

    Thanks for the awesome kit presentation, my friend @uscusn! As George said, the zoom set and resin seat will make this build an '11'!

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 year ago:

    This should be a fun build, Chuck (@uscusn), especially with the extras you got to go with it. I always get a resin seat for these models. I have always believed that an ejection seat makes or breaks the cockpit, especially in 1/72. Looking forward to your build.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year ago:

    A very nice kit it is, Chuck @uscusn
    Currently building this same kit and it is a joy to work on.
    Yours will look a lot nicer with all those extras.
    Looking forward to what your impression will be about this kit.

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    Louis Gardner said 12 months ago:

    Chuck A. Villanueva (@uscusn)
    I just noticed your build journal here. I commend you for always taking the time to post a lot of pictures along with a detailed description of what you are doing on every one of your journals. It makes a big difference for those who are using it as a road map of what and what not to do on their model.

    By the looks of things, this one is going to have a lot of very nice extras that will take it up quite a few notches when compared to a standard out of the box build. I'm not too familiar with all of the various differences between the various versions of the F-16.

    So this will also be an excellent opportunity to learn something new.

    Thanks for starting another build journal for us to enjoy. This is going to be an epic build for sure.

    Merry Christmas Chuck !

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 12 months ago:

    Looks very promising! Anxious to see the building process of this bird with extra goodies.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 11 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Before getting into the build, let me acknowledge your inputs which I so appreciate.

    George S.: it was a pleasant surprise that they were in the kit, the seller on Ebay included them as part of the sale.

    Spiros: Thanks Spiros, always encouraging, I see your strapped in and ready to go.

    George B. : In this scale it is the seat that will be a prominent feature as you view into the cockpit. Especially on single seat fights with bubble canopies that are crystal clear like most of the Hase kits.

    John: Thanks your words of encouragement with Spiros have been so much appreciated, your F-16 is basically the same kit reboxed with decals same parts.

    Thanks Louis: Just my way for others to use when they decide to build an F-16 in any scale. There are many variants of the F-16 in service. Some differences are obvious, other very subtle and will take one who is well informed and knows what to look for on the many that are in service even within the US inventory can be different. Updates on older airframes to bring them up to current systems in use with the later blocks. There is quite a bit to them. Happy New year.

    Alfred: Welcome and thanks for your input I appreciate that. Happy New Year.