I had Grandpa duty again today, so not much time to build. We attended a Valentine Day party for a class of 3-year olds. I am not sure how the teachers maintain their sanity, but whatever they get paid, it isn't enough. I spent my hobby time trying to get all of the missiles, tanks, and pods added to the plane. I used Elmer's Clear School Glue to initially attach everything. Elmer's is tacky and dries perfectly clear, so it works great for fiddly stuff like pods and missiles. Once they are in place I dab a little superglue in the joint to seal the deal. I used superglue and accelerator to attach the wing tanks. I used the pylons from the Hasegawa kit since the Tamiya kit didn't have them. They all had locating tabs for the Hasegawa missiles, but I ground them off with a Dremel since I didn't use their missiles. Everything is done except for one pod, which I will get done tomorrow. After that, the only thing left will be to attach the open canopy, and I will be done. Cheers everyone.
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.