"Best" Amodel kits

Started by Wes Pennest · 2 · 6 years ago · amodel
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    Wes Pennest said 6 years, 6 months ago:

    Almost every review of Amodel kits has a great deal about the difficulty, crudeness and frustrations that are apparently intrinsic to Amodel kits. I think everyone probably has something that immediately comes to mind when the question "What's the WORST Amodel kit" is raised-- but if there is a "worst" there must be a "best."

    So what's the BEST Amodel kit? And yes, I do realize that in this case, "best" is relative and could be easily referred to as "least worst" but just roll with it. So... least amount of swearing, least amount of blood spilled, least amount of having to fabricate clear parts because the kit ones are short shot, best quality of styrene, you get the idea.

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    Allan J Withers said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I have a few A model kits and this being the only one built so far takes first place in all categories, this one had a few issues but the outcome is an acceptable model, previously posted.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.