Problem with acrylic colors

Started by Felix · 13 · 6 months ago
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    Felix said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi everyone

    I have had an issue with acrylic colors twice in the last few months. It is odd, because it never happened to me prior to that: I use Ammo Mig primer for my Ammo Mig /AK interactive acrylics. After they have dried, i usually go for a Vallejo gloss varnish as preparation for the decals. Now suddenly when i am using AK Interactive decal solution /or the Revell decal solution (which is really not that bad) together with a cotton bud, the paint peels off! Very easily. This can be frustrating after a deliberate paintjob, as you all know.

    Turns out that the ak interactive decal solution is really not usable, as it just rips the color away. I have gone back to Revell. Anyone have a guess as to why this has been happening suddenly? Thanks in advance!

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Felix said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Addendum: I did some research on the net. It seems that perhaps this is just a very common issue with acrylic colors - poor adhesion. Anyone with a similar experience?

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    Greg Fabian said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I use a combination of AK, Vallejo, and Tamiya acrylics. I paint a thin coat of clear acrylic floor polish I picked up at Home Depot before applying decals and I use Tamiya Mark Fit Strong to help seat the decals. I haven’t experienced any problems with paint peeling. I am, however, losing patience with Tamiya acrylics, especially with metallic colors, and have begun phasing them out. Too many instances of poor coverage and paint drying almost instantly.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hard to say what the root cause is, my friend @fxrob. Seems likely that your decal solution penetrates through the gloss varnish and the paint. Maybe another type of varnish would help?

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    Carl Smoot said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    I would suggest perhaps that the Ammo Mig Primer may be part of the problem Felix (@fxrob). It may not be getting the "bite" in the plastic. You might try something like Mr Surfacer 1500. Barring that, perhaps a different acrylic primer such as Stynlerez.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    @fxrob, If the plastic is still having a bit of "grease" on it, the primer might not get a good grip on the plastic. In that case not only the paint but also the primer might come off. You should be able to see that if also the primer is gone. Cleaning the molds prior to painting might solve that issue.

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    Felix said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Dear John @johnb, Carl @clipper, Spiros @fiveten and Greg @gwfabian: Thank you all for your support and thoughts. I will definitely make good use for your advice for my next model kit- I have a Vallejo primer which i will use and maybe i will buy another varnish. And on top of that i will probably clean the parts on the sprues with alcohol after rinsing them. I have been using Vallejo acrylic matte varnish. Is there any other acrylic varnish you could recommend?

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    Chris Ballard said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Decal solutions are solvents in various guises chap. I suppose you could say stick to the same manufacturer because few seem to apply the same chemistry, but who doesn't mix and match? Personally I use almost exclusively acrylic lacquers, simply because I have such wide ranging results with standard acrylics. Lacquers just seem more consistent. Hope you solve it

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Before I put on any decals or stencils I always spray several layers of Future on the model.
    Also after applying the decals I put on a layer of Future to secure them.
    Future seems to be pretty much resistant to almost anything I use to soften decals.
    Just my two cents worth …

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    Felix said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks Alfred @alfred, unfortunately future is not available here. Is it basically a gloss coat?

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    Felix said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Dear Chris @chrisballard, i go with acrylics because of health concerns. Over the years i would say i have figured out common issues encountered with them when using an airbrush. But adhesion is an issue i have come across only recently.

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    George R Blair Jr said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi, Felix (@fxrob). I always worry about problems with decals, since they always occur at the end of a build and often destroys decals that you really need. I almost never use primer unless I am using parts made from multiple materials, especially resin and PE. Some primers, especially Tamiya, dry to a semi-gloss finish, which I have found increases the chance of later paint problems. You can also see this problem if you use a fine sanding stick after putting the primer down. This destroys any chance the paint has for sticking to the primer. I have even had acrylics form droplets on the surface of the primer just like you would have beads of water. These sorts of problems are frustrating, so good luck.

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    Alfred van Paaschen said 6 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Future, in fact I use its successor, Pledge “Revive It” has been discontinued in 2022.
    I managed to buy a couple of bottles thru eBay back then.
    Indeed it is basically a gloss coat, but a very sustainable one.
    There are a lot of discussions and recommendations on the net on what to use as a replacement for “Revive It”.
    Here’s one:

    A Replacement For Pledge? Here It Is!