F4K Phantom Royal Navy cross decking with US carrier

Started by Dirk Derks · 7 · 8 years ago · 1/72 scale model Fujimi, Deck verlinden, Figurines Fujimi, Tractors Fujimi
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    Dirk Derks said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    The twin reheating Rolls-Royce powered F4K Phantom had some specific modifications, enabling her to operate from the UK carrier HMS Eagle.

    Most interesting, was the extended nose wheel. After catapult launching, this first had to shrink before it could be locked up in the forward wheel well.


    The F4K is cross-decked on board a USS Carrier. The F4K is bombed up with life ordnance (mud movers) for launch.The exercise was a combined bombing raid of US and UK warplanes in a life ordnance drop. Target area "Cape Wrath' in Northern Schotland.

    This facility is shared with the US Air Force and US Navy/Marine Corps.

    Up to 1,000 lb bombs can be dropped.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Dirk, the Fujimi is IMHO the best 4K in 72nd. I have one in the incredible looming stash.

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    Dirk Derks said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Hello Bernhard,
    Fujimi in scale 1/72 is excellent quality for money. I still see many (second hand) boxes from traders participating in modelshows in Belgium and The Netherlands.
    Is Fujimi still excisting!
    I am still looking for one of their Avengers (TBM-3S2)

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    Nikola Pentić said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Dirk, there are couple of Fujimi TBM-3S2's on Ebay and Amazon UK right now, an this Czech Shop has one as well : http://tinyurl.com/huqoubp

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Dirk, seems to me they were making a limited comeback recently. Their phantoms, Skyhawks and A-7s were the best out at the time.

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    Dirk Derks said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Hello Nikola,
    Many thanks for this excellent website/shop.
    Going to check it out.

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    Dirk Derks said 8 years, 10 months ago:

    Hello Bernard,
    Indeed, my favorite brand.
    Good to hear from you they are on their way back.
    Still in the stash, the CH-53 Super Stallion Navy Minesweeper/Marine Corp Truck.