Tamiya 1/48 D.520 WIP - With a question

Started by Editor · 91 · 9 years ago
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    Editor said 10 years, 8 months ago:

    Officially started! Bought this kit second-hand at the local hobby shop. This is supposed to be one of those shake-and-bake Tamiya offerings. We shall see...

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    Seamus Boughe said 10 years, 8 months ago:

    Off to a great start Martin. But boy o' boy, your wife is gonna be cheesed off when she goes to make cupcakes and finds out you used her cupcake tins to mix paint.

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    George Williams said 10 years, 8 months ago:

    It's a lovely looking plane, Martin, I'm sure you'll do a great job. By the way, did you use cup cake tins because it's supposed to be a shake-and-bake kit? I can hear the groans from here!

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years, 8 months ago:

    Martin, the D520 is a great kit and fun to build. I've built two of them, first one when it was first released required no filler at all, truly a shake and bake it. The second on I built last year, it's here on iModeler, I ran into the fuselage seams seemed to have a "V" shape when assembled which lead to a lot of filling and sanding and restoring lost detail. So watch for that on your kit. The only other fiddley bit is the alignment of the wheels to the gear struts,

    Have fun with it great paint schemes available.


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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 8 months ago:

    Nice one Martin, something a bit different, like it.
    P.S. the cake tins make great mixing pots, dirt cheap as well.
    Same as disposable plastic shot glasses you can get from the cheap shops.


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    Editor said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Hello again. Back from a long (and very ejoyable) vacation, happy to report that I've been doing some progress on the Dewoitine.

    Instrument panel was furnished as per kit instructions, with decal for instrument dials.
    The rest of it was enhanced with some additional "gizmology" from the spares box.

    The state of the kit so far. No filler used in the assembly!

    An attempt to show how the completed cockpit looks like

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    Seamus Boughe said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    I am a big fan of "Gizmology" myself. Your Dewoitine is coming along quite nicely.

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Looking good Martin, the cockpit is tricked out quite nicely.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Nice WIp so far Martin, 1st hand view of this kit coming together, I have one in the stash but have never seen anyone do a WIP on the D520. And nice subject as well. Will follow with interest. Thanks for sharing.


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    Editor said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Thanks everyone for the fine comments, the story continues today.

    I have run into a problem with my Tamiya D.520. It's personal. I don't like the shape of its nose.

    I was always of the impression that the D.520 was a beautifully streamlined aircraft, the "French Spitfire". With its straight lines and pronounced angles, the nose in the Tamiya kit breaks the otherwise fine lines of the model, looking out ou place - like it belonged to an MS.406 rather than the Dewoitine.

    Time to check the references - goodbye the OOB experience!

    I started looking around the web for photos, and found something interesting. Click on the images to see full-size version, it is really necessary to see what I mean.

    What do you think? Advice needed. Or am I just imagining things.

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    I think you have a point there Martin, but I don't know how you would remedy it on the Tamiya kit. Looking at the box art the distance between the leading edge of the wing root and the point before the propellor boss looks too short on the model?

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    Seamus Boughe said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Uh fellas, need I remind you all that this is imodeler.com and not Hyperscale? I do not think anyone here would criticize about shape and contour unless it was something spectacularly bad. There are no perfect kits because there are no perfect modelers. Look at what I am dealing with, a kit that is forty-plus years old. There are tons of imperfections with the Revell 1/32 Hawker Hurricane. I will correct the ones that I can correct and leave the ones I cannot correct (or are not worth correcting ) alone. At the end of the day, I will have a Hurricane. Go with what you got, Martin. I am sure it will look like a Dewoitine when it is finished.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    If the nose is too short as Gregor mentions then that means the exhausts are too short. Their relationship to the leading edge & the nose seam appears to be correct. If there is a problem I feel like the nose piece needs to be extended & the lower transition given a smoother & more consistent radius.

    If the rocker covers have a problem smoothing the radius at the front looks like all that would be needed.

    I built this kit OOB & never thought twice about it's profile but then I try not to get too deeply involved with accuracy. But that's just me.

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    Martin, I think that if you look at pictures of surviving D.520's you'll find that the Tamiya kit is correct for the aircraft on display at the French Museum of Air & Space which I believe was the "master". You will also find that the D.520 that has been restored to flying condition has the more streamlined piece behind the spinner. So I think they are both correct. Being in the close enough is good enough crowd, if I wanted the smoother cowling, I would do some sanding and blending on the kit part to make it less angular, and call it a day.

    However, it is your model so do what you gotta do to keep your gremlins at bay... 😉

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    Editor said 10 years, 7 months ago:

    @seamus1 I'm not making a point of a kit's faults, so pardon me if I inadverently made such impression. I'm more on a learning curve about the subject itself. In fact, the Tamiya kit goes together beautifully and might as well be entirely correct while I'm completely wrong. My observation is though that the D.520's nose seems to look different on different photos and so I'm contemplating whether I should do anything about it on my model. That's all.

    @duffmodeler Currently I'm not sure what the "wrong" and "right" may be with regard to that nose, except the general feeling that it looks differently on some photos of the real a/c. It is hard for me to say what the actual differences are, maybe they are minuscule, or maybe the compund shape of the nose just looks differently from different angles (just like for the Spitfire, for example). I think that Rick @fuzzman is right, I may give the whole area a bit of sanding to smooth it out a bit.