C-47 For D-Day

Started by Frank Cronin · 9 · 10 years ago · Monogram 1/48
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    Frank Cronin said 11 years ago:

    I had started this Monogram 1/48 C-47 quite a number of years ago and stopped for some reason or another. With the D-Day build in the works I decided to dig it out and complete it. I will be OOB with the exception of Eagle Strike decals. Exactly which aircraft I will do I have not decided yet but it will be a D-Day C-47.

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    Site Administrator said 11 years ago:


    Excellent. I've moved both your topics to the D-Day build Group, because I believe this is where they were intended to be. Cheers /m

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    Frank Cronin said 11 years ago:

    Thank you.


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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    You sound like me: " There must be something wrong or I wouldn't have stopped. Now what is it?"
    Look forward to following along on this on.

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    Frank Cronin said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Well it is sort of coming along. Hopefully I will have it done by D Day. All my congratulations and respect to all veterans who served their country .

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Cleaver said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    How crazy are paratroopers? (I mean, they do jump voluntarily out of perfectly good airplanes that are not on fire and the wing hasn't fallen off) At least 5 guys who dropped on D-Day are going to participate in the D-Day drop from 10 C-47s (3 of them D-Day veterans) this June 6.

    Insane? Most definitely. I hope if I end up surviving to 90-93 that I have it together enough to be equally nutty.

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    neil foster said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    The C 47 has always been a favourite of mine, this one is looking great so far Frank .

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    Josh Patterson said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Can't wait to see it done. I don't know why you would've stopped. I thought the kit was a gem and went together very nicely. The only exception was a tab on the cockpit floor that wouldn't let the radio operator's station sit in the correct position. Abra cadabra, Xact-0 delete-0! Problem solved! I have to finish the props on mine and split and hang the cargo doors. What's the deal with posting for the group build? Do we wait until June 6th to post our entries?

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    neil foster said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi Josh, If your D Day G/B project is finished please don't post it until June 6th, Cheers .