D-Day build – 1/72 Typhoon Mk.IB

Started by Dmitry Stropalov · 11 · 10 years ago · 1/72, D-Day, D-Day Group Build, HobbyBoss, Typhoon, WIP
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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Some time ago I have build a lot of HobbyBoss kits, especially from theirs "Easy Assemble" product line. I think that this kits are one of the best choices for the beginners (as I was). I've visited my local store on Friday and... decided to buy some "Easy Assemble" kit to have fun with it. Also, this kit can be applied for this GB. So, I want to try to build it in the remaining time.

    Certainly, this Typhoon kit can't be compared to an Academy kit or newer Airfix: no interior at all, only seat and handle - even without instrumental panel; very poor quality canopy - thick and muddy; no transparent parts for two landing lights.

    But, it can be build and painted quickly - exactly what I'm gonna do 😉

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I've started this build on Friday, so I'm posting the result work of two days - I've added instrumental panel, added seat belts (made from tape), added landing lights (I've made it from a canopy sprue). Decal sheet has invasion stripes but I decided to paint them. I've primed model with Mr.Surfacer 500 and made pre shading with black color, then painted invasion stripes. And that's all for now.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Great start Dmitry. I look forward to seeing it finished soon. Have fun..!

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    neil foster said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Thats quick work Dmitry ,looking forward to seeing more of your build process.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks like you are going to beat me & I have worked on my Airfix Typhoon off & one since the group build started.
    What brand paints are you using?

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Al, for this model I'm using Gunze acrylics and Vallejo black color. Maybe, if you'll change paints you can finish your model?

    Today I've finished with camouflage and applied decals. Next step - washes, oils and final assembly.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I'm going to finish mine with the Vallejo paint no matter what. Your's does have a bigger color variation on the upper surfaces than mine.
    Did you free hand masks on tape on the model, then take the tape off to cut iit?

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Color variation on the upper surfaces is due to pre-shading I think. I use pieces of the transparent film or tracing-paper (both are not sticky) and draw camouflage on it with permanent marker. Then I use it as a template to cut masks. Also I use swivel knife with rotating blade to get smooth curves.

    Want to see your Typhoon finished, Al!

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Washes applied - dark brown for the green color, dark gray for upper and bottom gray camouflage colors and black for the control surfaces and wheels. Then fading with oils, then final satin coat and pigments. Some final WIP photos. That's all.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks really good Dmitry. Why don't you come over here & finish mine for me?

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Great job Dmitry. You are doing well having finished 3 models for the group build. Nice Tiffie 🙂 .