D-Day minus 91 – P-38 build

Started by Gregor d · 36 · 10 years ago · D-Day Group Build
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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Well, heres my contribution to the D-Day Group build , i've dug the beast out of the stash pile and dry assembled the main components to check for fit. For a 1964 era kit its not at all bad :). Plently of detail supplied by Monogram straight out of the box (for my money), and i'm not "up to scratch" on scratch building so I don't anticipate blowing your minds with this one! Anyhoo thats me out of the blocks so to speak so i'll bash on and try to post weekly updates in between finishing off my Hurricane.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    Good subject. You didn't need to remind me this is a 90 day project.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    This will be my Group Build project. It is the Airfix 1/72nd Typhoon 1B. I had some aftermarket pieces for this but will build OOB per rules & save those for another Airfix kit or adapt them to the Academy kit I have. Will be built closed up. Will probably paint the invasion stripes. Never have had much luck with decal invasion stripes.
    I have four other builds going right now show my "in progress" reports will probably be sporadic.

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Al, i've amended my title for WIP as i think i've misled you. This is my WIP contribution to the build not the thread for the Group Build in general. My apologies! I think we have to submit individual WIP's to the WIP group, if that makes sense?! Neil will keep us right.

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    Simon Whitney said 11 years ago:

    Al, having byuilt this kit recently you wll find it a joy but be careful though . The joining of the wings to fuselage can be a problem due to the wheel bay on the wings.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    Thanks for the tip. I ran into a similar problem putting A/M wheelwells in a Monogram? 1/72 P-36.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    After re-reading your post I'm the one who did not pay attention.

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    Site Administrator said 11 years ago:

    I'm moving this topic to the D-Day group build, as this is where it seems to belong...

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Worked on the cockpit tub and a few bits n bobs (see pics). All went together with no fuss, and i'm hopeful this build is gonna be a god one! The mono kit is a real sweetie so far, and i'll be progressing the build throughout this week. Still not fixed on the markings finish, and am looking for inspiration through my books and the net. Kit supplied details are for a Pacific machine (Dick Bong) and a Droop Snoot based in the UK. I understand these only entered service in October 1944 so were too late for D-Day and the immediate aftermath, which is a pity as i quite like the idea of a pathfinder machine.

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    neil foster said 11 years ago:

    Hi Greg, that's looking great , I love the P38 so can't wait to see it taking shape,I will try to get my first few pics on tonight.
    Cheers N.

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Thanks Neil. Did a bit more last night. I'll soon be breaking out the filler and sanding sticks!

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    Erich Goldbach said 11 years ago:

    Gregor, if I remember correctly from way back when I built this kit..lots of filler and sanding sticks! I'm looking forward to seeing your model when it's done.

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Cheers Erich! Got a bit more done this week, and have painted on the invasion stripes on the booms prior to adding them to the wings and cockpit section. Will post up some pics shortly.

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 12 months ago:

    Latest progress pics. Stripes have still to be reduced in outer white. Some paint was lifted by the masking tape and needs touched up. main airframe assembled.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 12 months ago:

    Looks like your about there. Looks great so far.