D-Day Group Build - Tamiya Wildcat V

Started by Rick Wilkes · 51 · 9 years ago
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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    These two pictures show the rivets from my previous post after primer has been applied. The result is subtle rows of raised rivets.

    From the side

    From front to rear

    For recessed rivets I use a ponce wheel and dymo label tape, as I did here on the wing when I removed the outer gun doors.

    These two pictures show where I'm at in the build, still don't think I'll make the June 6th deadline.


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    Gregor d said 10 years ago:

    Thanks for the update Rick, the rivets look great under the paint.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years ago:

    I think you can get it done. Good testimonial for Archers' rivets.

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    Well it's been awhile since my last post and obviously I didn't finish by D-Day.
    I've been painting off and on for the last two weeks and here is a photo essay detailing my progress. All paints (so far) are Polly Scale & MM Acryl II and are Eastern Aircraft's F.A.A. equivalents, Neutral Gray, Olive Drab and Light Gray.

    Top done in Neutral Gray ANA 603

    Masking with Blu Tack & paper. I only have this picture but I used the same technique throughout, except the invasion stripes

    Wings and stabilizer camo'd using Olive Drab ANA 613

    Upper camo pattern finished. As you can see, it's still wet in places

    Now for the invasion stripes. Once again I've been reminded why I hate painting stripes.
    The two pictures below reflect 3 days effort, about 9 hours total. In the second picture.
    you can see the Light Gray ANA 602 used for underside color.

    I'm having nightmares about what's going to happen when I pull all that tape off...

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years ago:

    Your going to have better luck taking off the tape than I did. Like I said in another post, I've had enough stripes for a while.
    The rivet work looks good.

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    2 posts in one night, I'm on a roll.

    Well the dye is cast, or more specifically, I've sprayed on the black.
    One point, I rarely use pure black or white.
    I use what I call "Not White", 1 ounce flat white + 1 drop of black & insignia blue,
    and "Not Black" a 50/50 mix of flat black & RLM66.

    Okay, on with the show,

    Tape comes off soon & I'll post the results then

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    One more post tonight for the "Hat Trick"

    Here it is in all it's unmasked glory.
    Came out a lot better than I thought it would. Got some touching up to do, but I'll leave the rough edges on the stripes.
    That's enough for one night

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    Gregor d said 10 years ago:

    Keep up the good work Rick, this Wildcat is looking really good. Nice job.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years ago:

    Looks good Rick.
    Nice work on the rivets, did you count them?


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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    Simon, now you're just being mean. I went to school in Arkansas and when counting above 10 I have to take my shoes off. I remember my cousin Homer had that accident with the law mower and failed 3rd grade cause he couldn't count higher than 17. He's a judge now..;-)

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years ago:

    Look mate, I was brought up in the countryside LOL.
    The rivets look great, and its coming great.
    Anyhow most politicians cannot count either.

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years ago:

    Morning Simon, at least in my neck of the woods..lol. I sure was happy that the decal rivets stayed put with all that tape. With all that tape on the fuselage I was surprised that none of the main color coats didn't lift. How's your Thunderbolt progressing, have things settled down enough that you can get back to it?

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 10 years ago:

    Great masking job, the wings aren't as hard to mask, but that fuselage is, It was hard enough to do just the lower portion of a P-47 fuselage, but your scheme calls for the stripes all the way around, that is much harder. You did good on this one. Can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for sharing.


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    Simon Whitney said 10 years ago:

    Things are about back to normal Rick.
    Hope to get started this evening with a bit more prep work.
    I think the good lady wants to build some more of her kit as well so could be fun.
    Will post an update soon.


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    Rick Wilkes said 9 years, 11 months ago:

    Well, I'm slowly getting there. Decals are on, now I just have to finish up the last 5% that always seems to take most of my time. Next post will be on the main page when its finished.
    Thank you all for following along with your comments and encouragement.