Well, heres the next bit - disaster has struck
. Those of you with warm and fuzzy happy memories of building cheap Airfix kits in your childhood may relate to this. Ever build their ancient Tiger 1? The dreaded vinyl one piece tracks that you were mean't to join by melting the attachment pins with a hot screw driver? If you were successful in joining the track ( i wasn't) then you had to be an expert looping them over the running gear without either - snapping the track - or breaking off a few wheels. Well, i'm sad to report their new Tiger suffers from the same problem. The tracks when joined are too tense, and when applied to the road wheels simply snap them off (see pics). Not only that but the guide bogies have broken around the rim. I dunno if this project is salvagable! I very nearly put the lot in the "circular file". The only option left to me is a battle damaged tank, and i'm not sure i can pull that off convincingly. I did try "extending" the track length by using staples (see pics) but it was still too tight and merely snapped off the wheels on the other side - AAARGH!So in the meantime progress has ground to a halt while i have a think. Any suggestions as to how i rescue this are most welcolme.
5 attached images. Click to enlarge.