D Day group build , where are we all up to .......

Started by neil foster · 26 · 10 years ago
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    neil foster said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi Guys ,well with the deadline drawing near I thought it might be a good idea to find out what stage everyone is at with a view to adjusting the finish date if need be , obviously that would not be just up to me but a group thing if enough of you would like to push it back a bit there's no real reason why not it is only for fun after all .It would be nice to stick to the original idea of posting them all on June 6th if we can, but obviously we all have busy lives and some have less time available than others so if everyone taking part in the G/B could just post a reply saying where they are up to and if they would like more time ,the last thing I want is any one feeling pressured to meet a deadline, it's a hobby not a job right ?.

    Cheers N.

    P.S. I'll start the ball rolling ,mine's done and dusted.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I'm planning on painting invasion stripes today. Should make it barring any surprises.

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    bob mack said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    i'm ready...done

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    Bryan W. Bernart said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    No joy here-life getting (badly) in the way.

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    My P-38's done - see wip thread. Tiger II is "in progress" as its turned into a Dio with a Churchhill and the base wip (see thread in wips). I'm hoping to get it all done by the 6th.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    My models ready (along with the final photos).

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    Frank Cronin said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I have one completed, one about 80% done! and one in a rather early stage which may be done by the end of June. Look forward to seeing everyone's entries.

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    Jaime Carreon said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I'm with Bryan - life is interering badly with my leisure time. A-20 is about half done, long way to go yet. But there are a lot fewer parts in the box now than when I started!

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Airframe is painted, just need to apply the black portion of the invasion stripes. Will do that this weekend, gloss coat and do the decal. process. Ordered a new PC from Tiger Direct should be here by this weekend. A new memory card for the camera as well. Will hopefully be back up to at least to post images of the WIP though I did lose the painting process images. Crossing fingers.

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    Joe Caputo said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I've been loafing along (see wip) I could be done in 30 minutes, or 30 days. Every time I check references, I find something else I'd like to do to it. Sometimes I feel like I'm working backwards. One way, or another, it will be done by June 6th. I haven't touched another model since this began, and I've really got the itch ! While I enjoyed the build, and it gave me incentive to to this model, I've learned my lesson...

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    Rick Wilkes said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    I too had "real life" interfere with my hobby for the last 6 weeks. I've made some progress this last week but I'm sure I won't be finished by the 6th. That being said I wouldn't want the "Grand Reveal" delayed for the folks that finished on time.

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    bob mack said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    come on boys...pick up the paint brush...the glue bottle...that sanding stick...just do it...i don't have time...i'm too busy drinking and watching tv...life sure gets in the way...counting flowers on the wall...we're so important...no time from the time i get up to the time i go to bed...must be father of the year...now if your wifes in intensive care i understand...otherwise get off your lazy duffs

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    neil foster said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks to everyone who's posted up dates ,but where're all the others ? LOL, c'mon lads.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks like I am going to miss the boat , to much to do and not enough time to do it.
    Work has come in and that takes over.
    Will try to get it done as soon as poss.

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    George Williams said 10 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi Neil. My Centaur is just about finished, even though I haven't posted many WIP pictures. I've got to finish painting the crew, add the aerials, and, and, and... But, I'm sure it will be ready for posting on June 6th (two days before my birthday). I'm not sure if you ever really finish one of these models, but I can no reason why it shouldn't be ready.

    What's the next group build? WW1?