D.DAY P47 D " Frank Gabreski`s Mount.

Started by Simon Whitney · 145 · 8 years ago
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    Simon Whitney said 11 years ago:

    Well as everybody is or has started I thought I would do.
    The Academy 1/48 scale kit.
    Looks nice enough but I am adding a pilot "Frank"
    That saves seat-belt problems.
    Also may do something to the armament?
    Though for now I am painting Frank until I get to the hobby shop for some more paints.

    8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Dmitry Stropalov said 11 years ago:

    Cartograf decals is a good replacement for Academy ones!

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    neil foster said 11 years ago:

    Nice choice Simes.

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    Simon Whitney said 11 years ago:

    Cheers Dmitry, I will stick with those for now, just to keep in the spirit of the build.

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    Simon Whitney said 11 years ago:

    I have just checked and they are Cartograph Decals . It also came with a resin Frank but standing. May build him as well.


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    Andrew Wainwright said 11 years ago:

    Looks a great kit Simon 😉 will be watching

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Well I finally started her. Been waiting to get some paints and got them yesterday.
    Not much done, dry fitting, and some gluing of bits.
    Also made a start on the wings, drilling out the ejector shutes and the hard points on the outboard points,
    Frank is progressing slowly but needs to be done.
    Next up will be the priming and base coating of the bits prepared.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Well I have managed to do a little bit.
    Have primed and base coated the cockpit and engine.
    A little more to do before I can close the fuselage up and start the wings.
    The colours used are Vallejo Interior Green , Tamiya XF1 and X7 ,and Oily Silver as the base coat for the engine.
    Also I am using Tamiya Weathering powders inside for once.

    I will post more later in the week hopefully.

    10 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    neil foster said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Well Simes that colour scheme is going to be a challenge,got any ideas how your going to do it ?,certainly looking good up to now mate.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Not sure yet Neil. I am tempted to blow it all over (apart from the invasion stripes ) silver then apply a coat of varnish then spray the camo over that then rub or scratch the wear onto it.
    The camo was roughly applied to the P47s in the field so accuracy is not so important as there were a lot of variations. Also going with a pair of 1000lbs on the wings.
    But it will be fun, and that is what it is all about.

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    Editor said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Following this with interest, looking good so far. I guess we juit can't refrain from modifying things to our own liking, re: your drilled out gun chutes.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Well it was an idea but I am going to put some plastic over the chutes from the inside.
    It is more to give a bit more depth more than detail.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Showing some progress here Simon. Will be following.

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    Gregor d said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    So far so good Simon. Great start. I like the look of this Academy kit.

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    Simon Whitney said 10 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks Gregor, I have just hit the first problem.
    Decided to fit the pilot but no joy, his legs are not bent enough to fit, oh b****r.
    Will think on what action to take, may turn him into Douglas Bader but not sure.
    The fit of the fuselage looks OK apart from a step where the vent from the engine (just in front of the tail wheel) apiece of plastic card should solve that problem.