Welcome to the D-Day Group Build! – Read This

Started by Editor · 50 · 10 years ago
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    Editor said 11 years ago:

    The subject of iModeler’s first group build for 2014 is D-Day, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy.

    Interested in joining? We hope you do! The easiest way to do it is posting a reply in this thread, so please do and tell us what you'd like to contribute with!

    This group build is hosted by Neil Foster

    Group Build Rules.

    • Entries should be OOB but scratch building and aftermarket decals are allowed.
    • The subjects presented here should be related to D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
    • A work in progress thread should be opened in this group for each separate entry.
    • Once your entry is completed, let's all wait until June 6th before you present your model in a Headlines article!
    • All members are eligible to participate.Start posting in this forum and you're in.
    • Multiple entries are permitted
    • Participants will receive regular email notifications about the activity in this group.
    • Remember the good nature and intent of the forum.
    • The group build will end on June 6th, 2014 - the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.
    • Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Good idea guys! I'm in :). What about a P-38? I have the old monogram P-38J waiting for an excuse to be built.

    Hi Greg,sounds good,looking forward to seeing your WIP thread,thanks for being the first to sign up.

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    Jaime Carreon said 11 years ago:

    There's an AMT A-20J in the stash that should do for this build just fine! I'm in...

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    Joe Caputo said 11 years ago:

    I'm in !

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    Joe Caputo said 11 years ago:

    This is a repeat on this site, but, I think,in line with the theme... It is a 1/48 Testors F-18. It is done in a Canadian commemorative scheme. 441 Squadron's Hornet Sppecial for the 50th anniversary of D-Day, complete with invasion stripes and 'JE-J' codes for Johnny Johnson, who commanded 126 Wing.

    9 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 11 years ago:

    I'm in maybe for at least 2 A/C a Spitfire and maybe a BF-109 or FW-190 will check the kits I have that will be appropriate to that time frame of the war.

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    AL HOFFMAN said 11 years ago:

    This gives me a good reason to build my 1/72nd Airfix Typhoon 1B so put my name in play.

    Here is where I'm at. Pictures aren't that great but please advise if I have any colors wrong before I start putting it together. This is one you need to follow the instructions on because it goes together a little differently in the wing to fuselage area.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 11 years ago:

    Can we post appropriate subject matter that's been previously submitted...?

    Hi Craig, For this group build we are going to show a work in progress so it will really need to be something new N.

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    Josh Patterson said 11 years ago:

    Oooh! Now's my chance to build Monogram's goony bird! (I just have to find one!) If not, I'll find something else, but I'm in!

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    neil foster said 11 years ago:

    Obviously I'm in ,I haven't settled on what my subject will be just yet as I'm torn between two idea's , my choice will probably be which ever kit I manage to get hold of first.

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    Simon Whitney said 11 years ago:

    Well I am in as well, just a case of finding something appropiate in the stash, maybe a P47 but not sure.

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    No worries Neil. Just need to get some appropriate decals as the mono kit only has Pacific options. Looking forward to it!

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    neil foster said 11 years ago:

    @neilfoster:Jaime, thanks for getting involved ,looking forward to seeing all the guys work in progress threads ,I will start the ball rolling .
    Cheers N.

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    neil foster said 11 years ago:

    O.K guys ,I will start the ball rolling ,this will be my effort for this the imodeler.com first (though hopefully not the last) group build,let me start by thanking Martin for being so enthusiastic right from my first suggestion of this some weeks ago ,he has done a lot of work behind the scenes to make this happen,secondly thanks to all the guys so far signed up,I hope to round up a few more yet though !

    I imagine there will be a lot of aircraft but don't forget guys your choice of subject can be anything in any scale as long as it related to D Day and the ensuing battle of Normandy so obviously that includes armour and related military vehicles like trucks and jeeps etc, the navy was involved as well of course,did you know for instance that the opening salvo was fired by HMS Belfast and she continued to pound the German defences for some time until the front line moved inland beyond the range of her big guns, so that would be fine for this group build,don't forget the landing crafts used and the DUKW (I think!) ,we have seen some amazing figures as well here on imodeler,let your imaginations take over and have FUN, remember it's not about who's the best modeler it's just about being part of the imodeler community.


    I got the kit from my pal Mark Housley who's just joined imodeler today hopefully he'll get the same warm welcome I did.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Gregor d said 11 years ago:

    Cool! Nice choice of subject Neil. I've broke out the P-38 in anticipation of getting going. Like the t-shirt by the way, Motorhead are one of the greats in my book!