A drop in the suggestion box if you will....

Started by Craig Abrahamson · 2 · 12 years ago
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    Craig Abrahamson said 12 years ago:

    I pretty much have stuck to one site throughout the internet modeling community and it carries amongst it's forums a section devoted entirely (usually) to what's referred to as "Off-Topic" discussions...that which has little or nothing to do with modeling, per se, but rather a general BS gathering to bandy about other things that I'm sure we all have in common, one way or the other. It may be something to consider (if you haven't already) and I think it would enhance your site and generate even further participation knowing the poster wasn't necessarily relegated to talking "shop" all the time. Just my .02 - do with it as you will. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 12 years ago:

    My...that was quick. Something tells me you already had this idea "in the works". I hope it evolves to the 'participation level' envisioned. I think it will once members discover it and see it for what it is. One can talk about pretty much anything (within reason, of course) - let's just hope we can keep those 'nasty-grams' and 'hot topics' ( i.e. religion, politics, etc) off the boards. Keep those cards & letters coming, folks...