Add a Friend...

Started by Craig Abrahamson · 2 · 12 years ago
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    Craig Abrahamson said 12 years, 3 months ago:

    Just how do I do that? I received a request via e-mail to BE added to a fellow modelers list, but when I tried to do the same, my two brain cells failed me.

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    Site Administrator said 12 years, 3 months ago:

    Making friend connetions

    iModeler allows you to maintain your own network of friends. Users can make friend connections so they can keep up to date with the activity of others or simply focus on the people they care about the most.

    To make a friend connection:

    1. Go to the Members tab and find a person that you'd like to connect with. Use the search tool to find people by name or interest.
    2. Open the member's profile.
    3. Click the red "Add friend" button. A friendship request will be sent.
      Note: An email notification will be sent to the user informing about your request. Also, users will be notified about any pending requests (or messages) upon their next login.
    4. When the other person approves your request, you've got a friend connection!

    When you have a friend network, you can...

    • Easily follow your friends' activity at the Activity tab
    • Track and browse your friends at the Members tab
    • Invite your friends to the groups you participate in