Editing rights in groups

Started by Magnus Fridsell · 5 · 11 years ago
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    Magnus Fridsell said 11 years, 6 months ago:

    I started the off-topic forum and now I seem to have full editing rights over everybody's content. Is that intended, I made it an as public forum that I thought was possible.

    Right now, I'm the moderator in off-topic, oh my... 🙂


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    Craig Abrahamson said 11 years, 6 months ago:

    In that case, anything I post in groups may not be construed as necessarily my opinion. I hereby announce my immediate disclaimer for all discussions subsequent to the time of THIS writing (and any further postings and/or replies you may see with my name attached)...until Magnus proves he can't/won't alter our words. LOL

    p.s. One of you say something bad about him and see if he can make it go away.

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    Magnus Fridsell said 11 years, 6 months ago:

    Just try me 🙂

    Remember: there is always someone who can alter you words even if it isn't necessarily me!


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    Site Administrator said 11 years, 6 months ago:

    This is logical. When you create a group, you automatically become its first administrator. As an admin, you have the rights to decide not only about the group's name and avatar, but also who is allowed to participate and what's being posted in your group. These powers are assigned to you regardless if the group is public or private.

    It goes without saying that all groups must conform to the House Rules, meaning that system administrators such as myself will also have admin access to your group.

    All your administrator functions are grouped under an "Admin" tab in your group, which becomes available to you as you create it.

    As a group administrator, it may be wise to share your administrator and/or moderator rights with other people. You can do this by selecting Admin --> Members. There you can promote selected group members to group administrator or moderator status.

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    Magnus Fridsell said 11 years, 6 months ago:

    Said and done! Martin, your'e now admin in off-topic (not that I doubt that you could have fixed that all by yourself but anyway... 🙂 ) I was also tempted at pressing the "demote to member"-button right by my name but I didn't 🙂 !
