Kelly’s Heroes 1/35th scale M4A3 Sherman and Friends

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 110 · 3 years ago
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years, 1 month ago:

    This session is to assemble and attach the .50 gun mount ring on the forward section of the cargo bed.

    13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years ago:

    Getting back to the Sherman which has been about 90 % finished, time to add the .50 cal and some accessories that you see in the movie. The major detail was the phonograph mounted on the LH side of the turret. That I am still working on. But for now lets finally get some more of the final bits installed on the tank.

    Before installing the .50 cal, grabbed a couple of German helmets and and attached them over the headlight guards.

    Then attached the spare set of tracks on the RH side of the turret.

    So far just the basics and easy stuff to add to the tank as it appeared in the movie.

    Now to build up the .50 and attach it to top of the turret. The kit gun is nice and painted Vallejo Black Gun Metal. And a once over with silver pencil.

    Then the mount is painted OD and attached in place.

    Then the ammo box is painted OD and attached on the LH side of the gun.

    The grip handles are painted brown with the framework in gun metal.

    The whole set up is placed on the top of the turret.

    Now to add some wooden crates. Not all of these will be used on the Sherman, but might as well do a few. 1st the crates are painted a dark brown, in this case IJN Brown.

    Then AK Brown wash is applied over the crates to highlight the wood grain.

    Then a thinned down Deck Tan is painted over the crates.

    Another wash.

    Then dry brushed with a lighter tan over the edges and center section of each wood panel. Then a lighter wash rubbed down with white spirits to give them an uneven appearance.

    Then a couple of crates are placed on the tank.

    More to follow.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    Lots going on here since my last visit @uscusn. Keep it comin'.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years ago:

    Thanks Eric, yes it is an epic project...

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 3 years, 12 months ago:

    Time to get some more work in on the T-19.

    13 attached images. Click to enlarge.