Italeri 1/35 Italian Semovente 75/18 Assult Gun

Started by Guy Wilde · 8 · 8 months ago
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    Guy Wilde said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    When I was a kid Italeri was one of my favorite model companies. I built one of these when I was 12 or 13 years old. I wanted to revisit this topic so I went out and purchased another one last summer. This is what I ended up with.

    I found some drawings online of the interior and used them to supplement the basic interior included in the kit. It's not totally accurate, I did it using bits from my spare parts box but it is a fair representation.

    The kit represents a vehicle from the 133 "Littorio" division in North Africa.

    The Semovente was one of the more successful Italian AFV's from The Second World War functioning in much the same way as the venerable German Sturmgeschütz for direct support of infantry units. The Germans even used some of them after Italy's surrender.

    14 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    This is an absolutely wonderful result, my friend @gzhatsk! Excellent extras!
    Why don't you post it at the headlines, would look amazing there!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Looks really good, Guy @gzhatsk
    As said by Spiros @fiveten, this build definitely deserves a headline article.

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    Guy Wilde said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    I'm new to the site and don't really know how the headline thing works. I posted in what I thought was the most appropriate category.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    @gzhatsk, if you go to the main page, you have a button that says "add new article". Click on there and a new headline topic will be created.

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    Christopher C Tew said 10 months, 2 weeks ago:

    Really nice work, Guy. I especially like the extra detail you added to the interior and the colorful national colors on the crew hatch. I find myself getting out older kits more and more as age catches up to me, since they tend to have fewer minute parts to contend with. Congratulations for doing such a good job on this semovente and its crew!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 10 months, 1 week ago:

    Looks awesome on the headlines, my friend @gzhatsk!

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    Anthony Ricco said 8 months, 4 weeks ago:

    What a beautiful build @gzhatsk - masterful work - one of my favourites. Love the interior.