Tank duel between the Cologne Cathedral Panther and the T-26 Pershing

Started by Louis Gardner · 80 · 1 month ago
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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    She looks wonderful, Louis @lgardner

    I found that there is a Panther relatively near my hometown, a one hour drive.

    In Breda there is a Panther D on display near a park.

    Since I still have a week off from work next week, I might be able to have a look, just PM me what you would like to see from this Panter. I definitely love to visit it.

    The next link directs you to some information about it:

    The last of its kind: Breda Panther
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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    A bit out of topic, Louis @lgardner, but I just wanted to share these couple of pictures from the Panther tank (Ausf. D) in Breda which I took today. I do have more pictures available but I will sent them via a PM. If others are interested, please let me know.
    As you can see, quite some external elements have been taken, as in robbed, off unfortunately.

    3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 month, 2 weeks ago:

    WOW ! Thank you so much for doing this. This Panther tank looks amazing even though it’s missing a few pieces here and there. Just being a Panther tank that has survived the War is a rarity in itself.

    I apologize for not responding to everyone sooner.

    Unfortunately I have been very sick again. I think I had a relapse of my last illness. It was all I could do to even get out of bed. I thought I had Covid again (just like the last time), but once again I was tested and thankfully the results were negative. This illness lasted about a week this time.

    I believe I have fully recovered this time. It is the best I have felt in several months now.

    Yes sir any additional photos you can send me through PM would be sincerely appreciated.

    Thanks again my friend and take care.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 2 weeks ago:

    Most important is that you are feeling fine again, Louis @lgardner
    I'm glad to be able to help you on this topic. The other pictures are on their way.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 2 weeks ago:

    Great that you are feeling fine now, my friend @lgardner.
    These are wonderful pics, my friend @johnb! Wish I were there too, having a beer in Breda!