Greetings and Salvations!

Started by Barney Millisor · 7 · 2 years ago
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    Barney Millisor said 2 years, 6 months ago:


    Build really slow.

    I am a retired school teacher and a veteran (USAF, NG, Res/USA-NG). I have three children, three grand children, been married 3 times, and have a service dog named Gracie.

    Unlike most of you I do not have a spacious mancave; I have a 8x11 man-closet. I build mostly WWII and the occasionally pre-war AC. There are 3 tanks in my stash and that is where they shall remain.

    And to answer the burning question: Yes, my father named me Barney. I hate OLD family names.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    Welcome aboard, Barney!

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    George R Blair Jr said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    Welcome, Barney (@Barney). This is a great site to present your builds, pick up some great techniques, and get to know some really great modelers. I spent 20 years flying in the Air Force, and then spent the next 20 teaching high school history during the week and college history at night and on weekends. I am pretty old school, and like to build old Revell and Monogram. After living in the same place for 30 years, my wife and I just moved a few months ago so we could be closer to our new granddaughter. Looking forward to seeing your builds. Cheers.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    It is a pleasure to have you onboard this great community, Barney @barney
    This is a great place to learn and share everything about modelling.
    Looking forward to some of your builds.

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    George Williams said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    Hi Barney @barney (cool name by the way), welcome to iModeler, it’s a great place, and so easy to post articles. You have a man cave, wow, I just have one end of the dining table. Looking forward to seeing some your work here.

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    Barney Millisor said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    Plattsburgh (FB-111) Mildenhall, Montgomery AL (Guard, not Maxwell/Gunter), and finally Youngstown. Taught MS/HS history in a series of very poor districts and finally left teaching in 2015. I could no longer accept direction from the staff of Cleveland schools nor teach the lies they felt were necessary. I got caught in the post Desert Storm RIF and resigned my commission so I could retire. I remember my training NCO wanted me to take NCO Academy and I =brought in my Command and General Staff diploma... He said it didn't count. :+)

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    Barney Millisor said 2 years, 6 months ago:

    Man Closet. The closet in the room. gives me 18 sq FT of storage. I have a friend who has 500 ft sq! I am so jealous. However, considering I used to paint while sitting on the basement floor... I really should not complain.