Time for a quick update on the 'Beau.
Work continues on the main landing gear. After a lot of fiddling, I managed to fabricate and glue the main support pieces to the spars. I didn't like the way the port assembly looked, so I discarded it and made a new one. Funny how the first ones took several sessions to fabricate while the latest consumed about 35 minutes.
Before I discarded the support assembly, I pulled on the various parts to determine how strong it was and if there was a good chance of it supporting the model. I can report it seemed very sturdy, despite the lack of metal parts. I'll attribute a lot of that to the Bristol engineers who designed the undercarriage who, undoubtedly, never expected someone to implement their design in plastic.
At the risk of getting a little too far ahead of myself, I began thinking about how I'm going to attach the landing gear struts to the assembly. There is an aftermarket metal set, but I want to see if I can use what came in the box before I go down that road. The first order of business was to reduce the height of the struts as OOTB (out of the box) struts are too tall. The first picture shows a strut on its sprue and the second after I took my razor saw to it.
In the meantime, I ordered and received a set of 1/32 scale HVAR rockets made by Special Hobby for their Hawker Tempest kit. With some minor fixing, I should be able to covert it over to the Beau. I was getting worried as I was having difficulty locating some, but I stumbled upon a set while perusing a hobby shop site.
The next part that looks like it will be hard to come by is a Browning .303 MG to mount in the observer's station. If I can't find one, I'll do without. I'm not sure how effective that gun was in reality since it seems as if the gunner is more likely to shoot his ship's tail off before hitting an enemy plane.
My focus at this point is to complete the interiors of the engine nacelles. Thanks for stopping by!