1/24 SE5a

Started by IAN Convey · 45 · 16 hours ago
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    John Healy said 2 weeks ago:

    Ouch! Great save on this, Ian.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks ago:

    So far so good John.

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    Paul Barber said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Looks stunning now, Ian. @firelockg

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    IAN Convey said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    Still a ways to go Paul, I am painting the roundels at the moment, holding my breath and hope that they don't bleed under the masks.

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    IAN Convey said 6 days, 17 hours ago:

    Decals applied and roundels painted, they did bleed under the masking tape a little so had to touch them up by hand.
    Now to do the rigging, shall use mono filament as a few struts require straightening, fun times ahead.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 days, 17 hours ago:

    IAN Convey (@firelockg)
    This looks great ! I especially like how the PC-10 green is not a solid color throughout, instead it has slight variations in it. Well done !
    I am about to enter the rigging dilemma myself. I have been experimenting with making eyelet terminals using different color and thickness wires.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 6 days, 16 hours ago:

    Looks great, Ian @firelockg
    looking forward to the rigging.

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    IAN Convey said 6 days, 11 hours ago:


    The base coat was 2 coats SMS olive green airbrushed, then 3 washes made from War Front medium green, Vallejo olive green and AK British dark olive green brushed on thinly, mainly to cover blemishes/stuff ups. The underside Beige I blended from acrylic white tube paint and some Citadel light tan , the tan is no longer available so when its gone there ain't no more. Have found that acrylic water based tube paints are handy in the basic colours.


    I am quite surprised at how it has resurrected, I don't mind rigging as long as I don't try to rush it.

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    IAN Convey said 1 day, 14 hours ago:

    Well the rigging is on, .2mm monofilament, could not get the slight bend out of the port interplane struts the whole aircraft has a slight list to port, but as I wanted it to represent an aircraft on active service, things would go out of whack especially on the muddy paddocks used for airfields. It is supposed to represent The SE5a of Major Edward Mannock of 74sqd 1918.
    It has been quite a challenge to restore and modify the wreck, I am happy with the outcome.
    Now to finish my Bristol M1C.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Carl Smoot said 1 day, 10 hours ago:

    Excellent recovery and subsequent mods Ian (@firelockg). It definitely has the look of an aircraft that has seen some use.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 day, 4 hours ago:

    A challenge but with a fantastic outcome, Ian @firelockg
    Did you also use new turnbuckles or were you able to save them as well.

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    John Healy said 1 day, 3 hours ago:

    Great recovery and excellent result, Ian! Looking forward to seeing the Bristol finished.

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    IAN Convey said 1 day ago:


    Thanks for that , I was trying for the battle scared look as some of the damage was too much to have it pristine, if you have a look at Louis's photo of Mannocks 74 Sqd. A/C that was posted on this build you can see what I mean. They didn't have time or resources to keep them in top condition, often it was land, re-arm, re-fuel and off again.

    John B,

    It was a challenge but came out ok, there are no turnbuckles on the rigging as such, the SE5a had RAF flat wire rigging which had a thread forged on the end for fastening and tension adjustment, I did salvage the .8mm tube that terminated the rigging, which was reused ,the anchors I made from .25mm copper wire twisted into eyelets.

    John H.

    Was satisfying to restore the wreck, the Bristol is not far off, then I shall start on the one I really want to build, a Sopwith triplane still thinking about its livery.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 17 hours, 6 minutes ago:

    Looking excellent so far, my friend @firelockg!

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    IAN Convey said 16 hours, 13 minutes ago:

    Thanks Spiros.