1/32 Academy Nieuport 17

Started by Louis Gardner · 74 · 1 day ago
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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month ago:

    That looks really good, Louis @lgardner
    I definitely need to give this approach a try as well.
    Looking forward to it.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month ago:

    Great progress, my friend @lgardner! I already have some rc cars to introduce QC1&2 😁

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    Louis Gardner said 3 weeks, 1 day ago:

    John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)

    I think you will like how it turns out when you do try it. The only thing that I would be concerned about is that your kit is a 1/48 scale. So it will be smaller and possibly a bit harder to do. I don't think you will have much trouble with it, because you are an experienced balsa wood builder. The trick is to take it one step at a time. Keep it simple and break things down into manageable steps.

    You can do it ! I have no doubts. Thank you for the kind words. They are sincerely appreciated.

    Spiros Pendedekas (@fiveten)
    I'll bet the boys will be excited about the RC cars. That is the best way to start them out. Thank you for the compliments.

    I have made some progress tonight on both kits. I am posting the latest in a few so please stay tuned . Thanks !

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    Louis Gardner said 3 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Here is what I got done on the N-17 today.

    I cut away the raised details on the other fuselage half of the first Nieuport. Then I sanded things down to a smooth finish.

    I was not happy with how the simulated wood looked when I used the balsa on the inside.

    So I decided to try it again using 1/64th thickness Bass wood. It looks much more like I wanted it to. I stained it using oil paint, wiping the excess off as soon as I had everything coated.

    Pleased with the outcome, I decided to make a second set for the second Nieuport. You can see them below the fuselage halves. I will try to install them tomorrow on the other model. The hardest part is removing the internal details and the raised ejector pin marks.

    On a very good note, I have received the spray masks that a person made for me who wishes to remain anonymous.

    I am happy to report they look like they are a spot on fit !

    And they will allow me to make the second Nieuport 17 in the markings of Albert Ball !

    This will allow me to make one N-17 in an overall silver / aluminum finish, while the second plane with be camouflaged.

    This is exactly what I was hoping for.

    As always, comments are encouraged. Thanks for stopping by and have a good night.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Plywood looks excellent, my friend @lgardner!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Excellent result with the real wood, Louis @lgardner

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 weeks, 1 day ago:

    The wood looks great, Louis (@lgardner). All of this extra detailing is really raising the level of the build. I was thinking about building one of the old Revell 1/28 kits with just minor improvements, but I think I might be embarrassed to have my unimproved kit next to yours and the others that are building. I need to finish my armoured car before I think about jumping into a biplane. My wife got me a 3D headset for Christmas, and one of the games is a WW1 flying game. It is really fun for motivation. Cheers, buddy.

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    IAN Convey said 3 weeks ago:

    The Bass wood panels look way better than the Balsa Louis, wise choice.

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    Carl Smoot said 3 weeks ago:

    The tighter grain of bass wood is a better material for this purpose. Good choice Louis (@lgardner). All these biplane builds has me wanting to do a 1/32nd scale biplane. Too many things already going on and too many other projects I really want to do in addition to the biplane. It truly is the golden age of modeling for me in that I cannot possibly keep up with all the choices available.

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    Louis Gardner said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Thanks everyone for the kind comments.

    Spiros Pendedekas (@fiveten)

    John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)

    George R Blair Jr (@gblair)

    IAN Convey (@firelockg)

    Carl Smoot (@clipper)

    I have made some progress on the Nieuport project.

    It’s not too much but it is still very useful because I am building two kits.

    I have built the fuselage side frame using balsa wood. This will be used as a pattern.

    I have tried it on both fuselage sides and it fit perfectly. This is a major step in the right direction.

    I’m going to make four more that are exactly like this one. But with Bass wood in place of the balsa wood.

    Plus I will be staining the wood before I glue it together. This will allow the staining to enter the wood evenly. Otherwise if you glue it together first, and then try to stain the wood, then the staining will not take to the wood where the glue has been applied.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Interior looks excellent so far, my friend @lgardner!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    That's a really nice interior so far, Louis @lgardner
    I don't want to be critical, but, if I'm correct, the second spar from the front should be metal by looking at various drawings. Is this something you still want to change or am I wrong at this.

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    Louis Gardner said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Thank you Spiros and John.

    Spiros Pendedekas (@fiveten)

    John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)

    Once again I am very short on time so I have to keep it short. Sorry


    John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)
    Thank you so much for sharing this photo with me. It shows some excellent detail and will be very useful in the upcoming detail work.

    I did know about the second vertical frame being made of metal. I do sincerely thank you for bringing it up because if I didn't this would have been a major overlooked item. That picture you posted is worth more than a thousand words. I'm definitely keeping it for use with scratch building the cockpits on these two... It's amazing !

    I had to install something there in order to keep the lower wood longeron in the correct bend. If I didn’t glue the wood in place there, it would not have kept the proper shape.

    Another trick I used was that I soaked the wood before trying to bend it. I kept it pinned down to the board and then let it dry.

    I will use this one as a pattern for the next four that will be built up using Bass wood and staining the wood before I glue the parts together.

    Once I get the rest of the fuselage frame built, I’ll install the correct metal tubing. By then the wood will have dried and the lower longeron will have taken shape as needed.

    Thanks again for the picture and the comments.

    Take care everyone.

    As always comments are always encouraged.

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    IAN Convey said 2 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Louis, the wooden frame work looks excellent, you have really created food for thought here.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 week, 5 days ago:

    IAN Convey (@firelockg)
    Thank you for your compliments. I have been working on the Nieuport's tonight, so I have another installment coming right up.

    Please stay tuned... I think you just might like this episode.