Here is what I got done today.
About a week ago I had glued the ailerons in place on the wing. The were fine... but I wanted an option to pose the controls off centered if I wanted to.
So I carefully removed them.
Taking tips from other various Imodeler builders, I carefully drilled out holes that lined up with the wing ribs. I thought this area of the wing would provide more plastic material to drill into in case I was off center a little.
The aileron was also drilled out to match the holes in the wings.
I took some MiG welding wire from the welder I have in the shop. This is .024 diameter wire that I use for welding on body panels in automobiles. Here you can see the wire is sticking out of the wing.
I cut the wires down to the proper length. Then I used CA glue and simply pressed the aileron back in place. Now I should be able to bend the aileron and pose them off center should I desire to do so later on in the build.
This is what the upper wing looks like now. Soon I will be drilling out the wing anchor point locations for the wire rigging. Once I get this done, then both wings will be ready for paint.
I also picked up some beading thread at a sewing / craft store. This stuff is used to make bracelets. It looked to me as if it might work out good to use as the bungee chord spring material that was used on the lower axles on most (if not all) of the aircraft from this era.
So I carefully wrapped the landing gear and using CA glue, I secured it in place. Later I came back with some Tamiya Buff color and painted the string. This gives it an off white color. The last step will be to add the oil wash after it is completely assembled.
Speaking about the rigging anchors. Today I was experimenting with using different kinds of thin wire to make them.
I had been looking at various other builds online, and I stumbled across this method of making anchors for the upcoming rigging. I have tried making them, using several using different kinds of wire, with all of them being in the 28 gauge diameter range.
So I made up several to see how hard it would be. These things are tiny, and my poor old eyes are not quite up to it.
Thank goodness for my 10X magnifying light. These completed anchors are about 1/4 inch long, and will be trimmed down in length once I drill the hole they will be permanently glued in.
I chose different finishes for the wire I had in "Ye Olde Stash". Here I am using a #77 drill bit to make the round portion of the eye for the anchor.
But now I have been told about a much better and efficient way of doing this by our good friend Ian Convey.
He was so kind to post how he does this and I will be adopting his method now.
Thanks Ian ! IAN Convey (@firelockg)
This is a small container that I have placed them in. I have tried making them using silver, brass colored and old dark gray metal. I am leaning towards either the brass or the silver colored versions.
Which one do you think would look the best ? I have seen a lot of aircraft from this era with brass turnbuckles. So I'm kind of leaning towards them.
But the silver ones seem to bend up easier...
Please let me know what you think about this.
Thanks in advance, and as always, comments are encouraged.
Good night.