1/35 Garford-Putilov Armoured Car - Copperstate Models

Started by George R Blair Jr · 153 · 1 week ago · 1/35, armoured car, Copperstate Models, Garford-Putilov Armoured Car, russian, ww1
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    Juan Ravizzoli said 1 month ago:

    Very good evolution of the model up to now. I will take into account this step by step for when I build mine. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but one of the figures that you are going to put in this kit has a very particular helmet: it is the 1918 model designed by Germany for the Turkish army.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 month ago:

    George R Blair Jr (@gblair)
    I'm happy to hear that you are back on track. Things should start going better for you now. I shall go and knock on some wood after saying this. I don't want to jinx you. 😉

    Sometimes brute force and a lot of tape are your best friends.

    Looking good ! Well done and a very good save.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Thanks for stopping by, Juan (@juanravi73). This has been a fun build, and I look forward to seeing yours when you build it. I know next to nothing about the uniforms from WW1, so I may need to do a little research. Were these helmets also used by German soldiers in 1918, or were they used only by Turkish soldiers?

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month ago:

    Hi Louis (@lgardner). This has been a fun kit, even with the brief hiccup with the beveled edges. Some of my best work comes from brute force and tape. I have started planning the diorama and figuring out the painting of the figures.

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    Juan Ravizzoli said 1 month ago:

    The model 1918 helmet was produced in small quantities. It was designed in Germany at the request of Turkey, but the end of the war prevented its export, so the helmets manufactured up to that time remained in Germany, and were distributed mostly among the Freikorps. Very few arrived in Turkey. In the following web page there is information (it is in spanish):

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month ago:

    Great that you are back on track, my friend @gblair! Looking excellent!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month ago:

    Glad to see that everything remains in place now, George @gblair
    Sometimes a stronger approach is needed, in this case the Tamiya cement did the trick.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Thanks for stopping in Spiros (@fiveten) and John (@johnb). I have never used the Tamiya cement with the orange top, but it seems to be a much stronger bond than the thinner ones.

    Thanks for the info, Juan (@juanravi73). It looks like I can still use the figures as I planned. I will stop by the website later today. At one point in my life I could speak Spanish fairly well, but sadly it has diminished over the years due to lack of use. Although I can't carry on a conversation, I can sometimes read Spanish and understand what is being said. Muchas gracias, mi amigo.

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    Carl Smoot said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    The Orange cap Tamiya tape is their equivalent to the old Testors glue from the dinosaur days. Revell also has their Contacta Professional which I believe is similar but with a finer applicator. As long as you allow sufficient time for the glue to dry, the thicker glues will provide a strong joint. I'm sure you know that George (@gblair), but it bears mentioning for others who may not know it.

    It looks like the progress is coming along nicely. Those guns do indeed look quite nice.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): I was hoping that the Tamiya Orange would provide a better, stronger join than the Tamiya Thin, and it did. It does remind me of the old school Testors. I generally tape everything in position and let the glue dry for several hours, and this has provided a very strong join. I also have used Contacta with this model, and it doesn't seem to be as strong as the Tamiya Orange.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    The name of the game today was to start prepping the outside of the model for painting. For the bulk of the model, this consisted of spraying the outside with black primer. I also started doing some detail painting on the finer stuff that will go on the interior walls of the armoured car. Cheers everyone.

    8 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John Healy said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Steam punk armored car, George. This is shaping up really nice.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Coming together nicely, my friend @gblair!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 weeks, 1 day ago:

    Some great progress, George @gblair
    Your stock of masking tape is likely to reduce rapidly this way.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 weeks ago:

    Thanks, John (@j-healy), Spiros (@fiveten), and John (@johnb). I think if I do another armoured car, I may try to build most of the model and then paint the outside and inside.